
This First Video Puts It In Perspective – The Government is a Total (Deliberate?) Enemy Of The People

“The MSM is lying about the body count, bodies are floating everywhere!”

Lying media downplays death toll.

Thousands missing.

Bodies afloat.

Authorities deny access, threaten arrests.

See more storms to come.

While the proof of this being a weather weapon is very clear in this report, and while the mockingbird (formerly mainstream) fake media continues the fake government narrative, those who have researched the truth that is hidden in plain sight know that weather wars are but part of the agenda in this global war between Good and Evil.

Having been through a hurricane/cyclone myself (in Karratha/Dampier, Western Australia) 50 years ago, and then participated in flying supply drops to stranded people, the difference between this now, and that then, is a stark in-your-face indication that the death of thousands means nothing to those behind this current event.

Although on the surface it appears this was engineered to deliberately target red states – those conservatives who would vote for Trump – as well as being a callous land grab by those who covet the lithium and quartz resources under the Appalachians – it all leaves little doubt in my mind that, with so many “authorities” denying access to would-be rescuers, the prospect of civil war, even if limited, must be considered.

(When it comes to fake news, FEMA has created a page to dispel “rumors” – because the “rumors” are true – Source ).

I have read, but cannot confirm, that multiple choppers that are or should be used in supply and rescue missions have been ordered to stand down – as was the civilian pilot you will see in this video.

As well, and just as happened in the devastating destruction of Laihaina in Hawaii, access is being deliberately denied, with people being threatened with arrest – on top of which, there are undeniable reports of incoming private truckers, loaded with rescue supplies, having their tires slashed in different states.

This could not possibly have occurred unless there is some form of coordinated scheme to do everything possible to ensure the death toll goes as high as possible.

I will do more reports as matters continue to evolve.

This may and probably will include even more weather weapon storms – not just hitting the East Coast, but also other countries that could well be targeted. (Thinks of the devastation in the UAE and other neighbors who engaged in cloud seeding – and manifested a year’s rainfall in a day. The floods destroyed much and killed many).

Consider too that “they” have technology that can create earthquakes. Some of them may be caused by underground tunnels being taken out by Special Forces – but bigger ones are quite possible. The West Coast of the US is certainly under threat in that regard.

Nor can we rule out their use of Directed Energy Weapons, such as those used to pulverize Laihaina – since when there has been no word of where at least a thousand children disappeared to.

This war is, ultimately, about destroying the Satanic cabal that trafficks in children on behalf of billionaires, celebrities, politicians and pedophiles all of whom have the most horrific rituals and addictions. Whistleblowers have also confirmed that the current US administration is deeply involved in this practice. They have “lost” thousands of children who were brought through the southern border.

And they do nothing about the use of containers that are another trafficking route.

As a reporter, I nevertheless wish I could write about much better news, but this is the way things are, and this bad stuff is likely to continue for quite a while yet.

Therefore, whether I like it or not, I have had to face the facts, the observable events, and make my (our) own choices as wisely as possible.

After all, “the government” was never there to protect me anyway – they have just robbed us of our taxes, and now, as minions of the evil side, they have no compunction about robbing people of their lives.

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Michael Knight.

PS- This book I wrote provides a detailed look into the background of the Deep State – and some thoughts on what the future holds as well.

It’s available on Amazon in paperback and ebook formats


About This Blog

Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.

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