
It may be because RealRawNews reported that “Mrs” Obama was arrested and sent to Gitmo that the RRN site was hijacked and shut down for several days

Or it could be because the RealRawNews site is constantly reporting about Deep State individuals being arrested, tried by a military tribunal, and sentenced to hanging.

I discovered the site in its early days, and was cautious – suspicious one might say – but over time it gained the seal of approval, despite, in fact because it consistently wrote articles that no writer in my experience could incorporate such fine detail if they were just making things up.

And this following statement on one of the X channels had thjis to say while the site was down after being hacked.

Real Raw News is not a parody account. They were forced to put up that fictitious disclaimer by the PTB, otherwise the site would be ‘melted’ like mine was. Yes, they can do that. Michael Baxter is State Dept Chief of Intel, a WH (White Hat) & attends tribunals in person.

I have not been able to confirm that, but in this article about Michael what’s-his-name being arrested and sent to Gitmo was written up within a day or two after it had been reported that Barry Soetoro, aka former president Obama, was alone at the Carter funeral and the Inauguration. That naturally saw some social media speculation about the Obamas getting divorced.

The RRN/Baxter report is much closer to the truth.

Without going into too much detail, here are some excerpts from that report.

United Special Forces last week arrested the transexual Michael Robinson, AKA Michelle Obama, at the Harbor View Hotel on Martha’s Vineyard, less than a quarter mile from the Obamas’ multi-million dollar estate. Robinson, sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News, had been sharing a room with a 27-year-old Caucasian male when Special Forces burst in and handed him a military arrest warrant charging him with treason, seditious conspiracy, and murder-for-hire. Robinson was fully naked and sinful when told he had an appointment at Guantanamo Bay.

“None of you will live to tell,” Robinson said. “You’re disposable like Joan Rivers.”

Rivers was a blunt comedian, actress, and television host who died while undergoing routine cosmetic surgery in 2014. Weeks before her death, Rivers, a Hollywood insider, had said Barrack Obama was gay and that Michelle Obama was transgender,

Our source said Robinson has since been taken to GITMO, where he will face a military tribunal.

As the article says, shortly after she publicly outed “Michelle” Obama as being a tranny, Joan Rivers died under suspicious circumstances while undergoing a minor surgery.

In my view, suspicious circumstances also surround the death by drowning of Tafari, who was then the Obamas chef.

The story was that he fell off a paddle board in a few feet of water close to the Obama mansion – and if I recall correctly, he was planning to publish a book about his years with the Obamas.

The article about the arrest of “Mrs” Obama is on the RRN site at this link.

It does include some pretty gross statements about the circumstances of “her” arrest, but let’s face it, these Satan worshipers get up to far worse things than most of us could possibly imagine.

Gruesome Truths

There are other reports on the site that provide an insight into some of the previous arrests, and trials, and convictions, and their sentences, all of which indicate that there are indeed things going on behind the scenes.

Past trials were also recorded on film – not on digital video cameras – because analog film cannot be falsified in the editing process.

Those recorded trials will, reportedly, be broadcast to the public at some point in the future. One example just might be the past trial of “Killary” Clinton.

As this “movie” we’re watching, those who are up with the play understand that doubles, actors and even clones, are players as this horror show comes to its climax.

Cloning technology is far beyond the time when Dolly the sheep was introduced to the world. Both sides have this technology, and it is said that there are four or more clones of Trump himself.

But I don’t think they’re as far advanced as the below image might suggest….

…unless they shrinked Trump?

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Owner and author Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created this website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

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Michael Knight


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