
As the headline says, President Trump is going to jail. For as much as a year.

You might call it a Deep State dream come true, or see it as part of “The Plan.”

But where is the evidence that Trump is going to jail?

It also points to huge social consequences and events most are not prepared for.

We’ll start with that post, revealing that the judge on the case is a totally biased Deep State asset. At least, that is what seems obvious on the surface. But is he?

“Judge Juan Merchan again declined to recuse himself from Donald Trump’s New York criminal case, rejecting the former president’s third attempt to get rid of the presiding judge in his so-called hush money case.” (msnbc report).

President Trump may be under a gag order, but that has never stopped him from saying what he plans to do to those involved in human trafficking, especially the pedophiles and child killers.

🦅(11-4-23) President/CiC Trump, Kissimmee, FL

Meanwhile, Trump haters continue to talk like this.

The Good News Is ….

This is part of The Plan.

The mainstream media still serves a purpose. Although its ratings have dropped like a rock since Trump came on the scene, it is under White Hat control.

Ironically, all their nonstop villification of Trump has totally backfired, and continues to do so. The same is true of this fantasy scenario in which Truyp is going to jail.

Using a page out of the Deep State playbook, they have used quiet arrests, interrogations or grand juries under sealed indictments to create plea deals. This means some of the guilty ones actually keep their jobs, and deliberately go on fomenting chaos – which the jailing of President Trump will certainly add to.

But eventually, their act will come to an end, and whatever penalty or deal is involved, will kick into gear.

Using this strategy, the White Hats have very carefully masked their plans, which on the face of it has the populace at large believing we still live in a normal world under a normal administration.

Not so.

But some of the worst bad actors have already been executed (Joe Biden for one) and replaced by actors, doubles, or clones (which can drop dead or glitch at any time).

The following video explains that, with real examples of some notable individuals who are using clones – or are clones in public life while the original carries on elsewhere (or is dead).

(NB:-This embedding system also has the chosen video come to an end, but then it rolls into another subject. It’s annoying, but a small inconvnience. Just shut it down by pressing your spacebar when the switch occurs and carry on with this article).

From the Rumble channel, RamthaOfficial.

It’s also reasonable to imagine that President Trump has one or more doubles, and perhaps a clone or two – but I’m not going there right now. Let’s stick to the point.

We can expect the Supreme Court to weigh in in some way or the military to come to the fore under the Law of War – followed by the introduction of martial law (for a while), the unsealing of indictments, and the beginning of trials for those charged with crimes such as sedition and treason. Treason carries the death penalty.

Under those circumstances, the mainstream media will be gone – replaced by the broadcasting of trials before military tribunals – because military law, under such circumstances, preempts civil law.

Trump’s (I misspelled that as Grump’s for starters) incarceration is still a month away; Judge Merchan has the case up for sentencing on September 18.

I wouldn’t be surrised if between now and then “Grump” defies his gag order, just for the sake of optics within this scripted movie. That would seem (in my opinion) to help justify the judge’s decision to put him away. The mainstream media would be all over it, which means their (dwindling) audiences of a few more million “normies” who are decent law abiding citizens will be more aware of what’s happening.

Hopefully, Trump will insist that there be no major demonstrations by his supporters. That’s precisely what the Deep State would like to see, but if the MAGA people stay home, and safe, there will be no outbreak of civil war.

On the other hand, the Deep State might still have enough clout to pay the likes of Antifa to dress up in MAGA hats and T shirts and take to the streets.

That’s where the National Guard would have to step in, and they’re already trained for that. In fact, thousands of arrests have already happened, and half a million indictments have yet to be unsealed.

The numbers might seem outrageous, unless you take into account that the Deep State runs REALLY deep, with its minions entrenched in agencies all around the world.

Plus, there are certainly Good, and Evil (Satanic) factions within the military.

Everything has to be cleaned up and rooted out, right down to the foundations. Then, rebuilding can commence.

As they continue to lose their grip on the world, the Khazarian Mafia/Deep State nevertheless refuses to go quietly into the night.

Drag Queen Tedros of the World Health Organisation has set the next pandemic ball rolling with his announcement of “concern” over the spread of monkeypox and the need for mass vaccinations – once again.

I have no idea how many people will read this article, but being aware that hospitals, doctors, and anyone who was instrumental in giving people the jab, was paid to do so, should be enough to make one say NO, and HELL NO to any further mandates, jabs, and official dictates.

Frankly, to put it bluntly, and backed by thorough research choosing whether to take a vaccine, or not, is a matter of choosing life over death.

Another fact:- We are only responsible for our own choices and decisions.

Millions who relied on their brainwashed belief in authority and took or then advocated the jab, did so of their own free will. Those of us who refused may have been excoriated by the vaxxed, but it is they who are racking up the incredible numbers of sudden deaths – by the millions worldwide.

And among them are countless doctors and nurses who have died suddenly, with no cause of death reported. That’s the chosen coverup. It may sound callous, but as in all things, you reap what you sow.

(See the corroborating links below for further informative research).

Redacted News Is Real News

We have very little time to prepare for weeks, and probably months, as the storm reaches its peak.

But it’s worth riding it out. The other side is golden, and we do have some friends in high places.

Therefore, if you choose to take this seriously (and many don’t, and won’t) consider your options, evaluate your situation, know that your life and your choices and the consequences thereof, are entirely your personal responsibility. Others might make choices we don’t agree with, and they might disagree with ours – but what’s the point of arguing?

I have family who chose the jab. I will weep if they die suddenly, or slowly. But I love them anyway for they are, like all of us, sovereign beings, responsible for their own lives and decisions.

Now, back to Trump being jailed…and monkeypox.

The couple who do a marvellous job of researching these subjects have a Rumble channel titled RedactedNews.

That sums their work up very nicely. They’re both excellent independent journalists. As you know, “redacted” brings to mind those documents where huge amounts of information have been blocked out so you have no idea what’s the full story.

That’s the way the Deep State media operates. You get lots of half truths, force fed narratives and opinions from lying frontmen and paid “experts,” and no depth at all.

Fortunately, RedactedNews is about what has been redacted – and questions that should have been asked but never will be by the failing fakestream monkeys.

The first segment is about monkeypox, and their thoughts about Trump being jailed start at 25 minutes.

I’ll leave it at that, and wish you well on your journey through this heightened phase of The Storm.

Additional sources:-

Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens


Michael Knight.

PS – Late News

Ezra A. Cohen,

[8/16/2024 9:02 AM]

Ukraine will belong to Russia.

No deals.

[8/17/2024 6:09 AM]


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Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.

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One response to “Trump-Is-Going-To-Jail”

  1. Paula Avatar

    Great blog!

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