
Some Significant Posts About Current Events.

The battle continues between Good and Evil.

Starting with recent posts on social media.

US Marshals, and Arrests

(original email from “Brad.”)

This is an interesting update from Telegram. We believe that US Marshall activity took place some time ago or we wouldn’t be hearing about it.

OK just got update from “DC”. May I kindly remind you that I am only reporting what I am getting and allowed to say. I’m not trying to hurt, deceive, or lead anyone on in any way whatsoever. I can’t make things happen! I’m simply doing my best to make a difference for the American people. With that said, here goes:

US Marshals are being called up to do a job. That job includes going after these terrorists that have been allowed into the country. He said the military is in control and it’s about to get very nasty very soon. Said to not panic but be prepared: water, food, ammo, etc.. Said he knows FOR A FACT that some govt. officials have been arrested in the last 24 hrs. for HIGH TREASON! The specifics of who, what, when, where cannot be released just yet. Said they’re less than 24 hrs. into the operation. It’s going to take some time. Be patient but know that things are in motion and nothing can stop this!

That’s all I’ve got for now. Think and do w/it what you will. I  (love) Jesus, my family, this great republic, and all of you, my fellow American Patriots! Brad over & out!

Here’s a last bit of information from Kabamur I found important.

Q said many won’t be able to accept the truth about Q and the NSA and most of what’s happening must remain hidden until a NEW AGE of enlightenment SHIFTS the narrative.

Pleiadians are the angels of light and Q was contact with military white hats. Ascension was always the plan.

— Kab (@Kabamur_Taygeta) August 12, 2024

Images Taken from an X Channel. No Comment.

From Telegram

GhostEzra Aug 13:-

Will be a HOT August, as I predicted
Followed by a DEEP September
And to conclude with a RED October.


Aug 14

A potentially deadly viral infection, known as Oropouche, has spread to humans in Europe for the first time. The virus is transmitted by midges and mosquitoes.

Bill Gates’ mosquitoes?

Very little is known about the disease, except that it was first detected in the village of Oropouche in Trinidad and Tobago in 1955.

There are no vaccines or specific therapies available or in development for the viral infection.

The current rate of transmission is unprecedented in both speed and scale, which is making disease experts nervous.

Ezra Cohen (Private)

Aug 9

Trump avoided a second assassination attempt today in less than 30 days. (This is what I suspected when Trump’s plane made an emergency landing because of “hydraulic issues” while on his way to Montana. I won’t sppeculate on what the assassination plot might have involved. MK).


They tried to JFK Jr. Trump today.

Stay off of BOATS as well.

Child trafficking.

Julian Assange just released some amazing information on his official Telegram channel:

  • “I published crucial news that the public deserved to know, and they jailed me for it! This is absolutely miserable. Did they honestly think they could do whatever they wanted and no one would notice?

The agreement I signed to destroy all unreleased US documents DOEST NOT MEAN THEY ARE DESTROYED. Remember my posts from 2010? I can assure you that I still possess thousands of files related to that event. I will not be silent about the pain they have caused me over the years. My mission is clear: The people must know whose hands are behind those heinous acts!

I invite all the public. I’m announcing a big START in less than 24 hours.

Everyone should stay informed by following my official Telegram channel.”


Women who go for mammograms are probably unaware of the harm they do to themselves 😩

A few details to consider before deciding on a review:

✅ 50-60% of the “positive” results are incorrect!!
So, being diagnosed with “breast cancer” in 50-60% of cases, turns out it didn’t exist at all!!
✅ during examination, the breast is pressed with a large weight of 10kPa (1019 kg / m2) and then healthy, very sensitive, milk gland tissue is bombarded by radioactive rays!!
✅ stimulates tumor growth and the spread of metastases!!
✅ study done on 690,000 records showed that completely healthy women have developed breast cancer in a large number of cases after mammographic examinations!!
✅ Switzerland is the first country in the world to ban mammographic examinations❗️

So the criminal medical mafia is aggressively forcing regular annual mammography examinations of healthy women, in order to make them profitable patients!!

Even my late mother, who had been dealing with this for her entire career, realized near the end of her life that she was unknowingly an accomplice in this greatest medical crime against women❗️


Join and share my channel immediately:

Aug 12

Trump might replace JD Vance.

Trump Re Middle East War

Closing Notes

For reasons noted in previous newsletters and posts, I believe there will not be an escalation to nuclear war. However, this conflagration in the Middle East will cost even more lives than the tens of thousands killed by Israel’s “holocaust” on Gaza.

It is nevertheless an essential component in this war against the Khazarian Mafia including Zionist Jews, but not the jewish people themselves; they have been demonstrating seriously in efforts to oust their rabid warmongering government.


Elon Musk’s conversation with President Trump on X is a major defeat for the mainstream media, and the numbers alone indicate a huge backlash against the propaganda moguls.

There is so much happening now, and for the immediate future, that posts of this nature will be a regular feature of this blog.

Be well – prepared.

Michael Knight

About This Blog

Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.

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You can also make one-time or recurring Donations at FundRazr (where you’ll find a short explanatory video as to why Michael started requesting donations after many years of doing this work for free).

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Michael Knight

116 Swofford Rd


WA 98564

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