
What’s Coming Is Not The End Of The World. But It Will Never Be The Same.

David Wilcock and Nino Rodriguez recorded an exceptionally informative discussion a few days after the shooting incident involving President Trump.

They believed then that Trump’s survival was a miracle – not aware that it was in fact a staged event.

It was a good guys’ psy-op that will lead to further exposure, and eradication, of the Deep State.

That said, the discussion reveals much about what to expect in the next weeks and months.

Wilcock offers a history lesson involving the creation of humanity and the genetic engineering of the hybrid species that is devoted to Lucifer – and their (failing) plan to destroy this world and its people.

They agree that it is increasingly unlikely that there will be an election in November.

So while many believe these are the Biblical “End Times,” in reality this is a time of transition to a new beginning – once we get through the rest of the storm.

It’s a very comprehensive and educational discussion – well worth the time involved – although my following personal observations about what to expect might be seen as a “starter pack” before you do so. You might care to read them first because they involve key points from this video.

The Clock Is Ticking

There are certain times in our house when we say “it must be 5 o’clock somewhere,” and crack a bottle of red wine to remind ourselves that life is indeed great – so just relax and enjoy.

Meanwhile, out there somewhere, or perhaps everywhere, time is rushing toward noon at the OK corral – that moment of truth in which, according to the White Hat/Q script, the good guys will be the last ones standing.

You’ll hear from David Wilcock that this battle has been going on for centuries – that every war and false flag event instituted by the Deep State includes, but is not limited to:-

The Sinking of the Titanic,

Pearl Harbor,

The Korean War,

The Reagan assassination attempt,

The Twin Towers of 911

Not to mention infiltration of governments and their agencies for the sole purpose of destroying countries – and their people – throughout the world.

But as Q posted, way back in 2018, the clock was activated – and now it is ticking faster on the countdown stretch.

Or We Could Say, “For Whom The Liberty Bell Tolls.”

What They Did Not Expect

We know they did not expect Hillary Clinton to lose in 2016.

They did not expect Trump to be such a fearless enemy.

They did not expect literally millions, worldwide, to start waking up, standing up, and pushing back against the Globalists.

They did not expect us to discover that these hybrid humans – as depraved as they are – are a different species, from a different bloodline – cold-blooded we might say, in their pursuit of total world control.

Human, But Hybrid

Better explained by Wilcock in the discussion with Nino

What To Expect Now

In my research, the Wilcock/Nino discussion has certainly been an eye-opener, well worth recommending to others – who will of course make their own decisions about whether to watch and learn, or not.

That’s what free will is for – which is why my choice is always leaning toward learning more. It doesn’t mean I agree with everything, but it does mean I am better informed, therefore better able to prepare for future possibilities.

Among those possibilities – speaking of just the next couple of months – are events that they covered in their wargaming discussion.

For example, they do not expect an election in November; other events are most probably going to occur that will affect not just the United States, but the whole world.

From a variety of sources, my research suggests the recent failure of millions of computers using software from the Crowdstrike servers will lead to more of the same, but on a global scale. Day and date is anybody’s guess, but “soon” is good enough for now.

He says his “intel” sources expect the JP Morgan/Chase bank to soon declare bankruptcy.

For its part, the FDIC will be unable to cover the insurance on depositors’ accounts. (This is a replay of the 2008 scenario, but on a far bigger scale).

As a consequence, the stock market will crash. (He says get your money out; roll your IRA or 401K into gold…which I would personally want to have in my own hands, if I had any, although there are other options).

The crash will put an end to the Federal Reserve and its longstanding (since 1913) control of the US dollar.

Around that time, says Godlewski, Jamie Diamond, the head of the Chase bank, will be installed as the head of the US Treasury Department. Diamond may be a “snake” in Godlewski’s view, but he also says Diamond is the best man for the job – and is already aware of his future role.

A revaluation – or total change – in the US money system has already been preplanned, but requires time to play out. (This may include the activation of what is referred to as the NESARA/GESARA financial model that benefits everybody; the abolition of the IRS is also to be expected).

Also within this short-term time frame, we can expect – according to several different sources – the activation of the Emergency Broadcast System.

This is expected to coincide with a worldwide shutdown of current internet services, and the mainstream media’s television channels.

However, cellphones will not only receive the EBS announcement, they will (as far as I can tell) also receive hours of prerecorded content exposing the Deep State’s years of treason, sedition, and efforts to destroy America from the inside out.

Inside The Fog Of Ages

To be honest, while this all gives us some gist of what is expected to unfold in the coming weeks, there is still quite a bit of fog in the picture.

Therefore, impatience is no better than being a kid in the car saying “are we there yet?”

The fact is that these silent and hybrid invaders of our world have had centuries to bring us under their control.

So subtle and patient have they been, that we have had no idea, until now, that they have controlled the world, and us, by controlling the money supply, religion, the propaganda media, education, health services, food and all its additives, not to mention the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, and practically every central bank on the planet.

They have controlled the media (and brainwashed us), they have controlled religion – thereby denying us knowledge of our own inherent divinity – our god-given capacity for direct connection to “the father within.”

Instead, we are programmed to see ourselves as sinners, requiring the intercession of a priest, or some corrupt holy-roller and often pedophile preacher who makes millions of dollars off sincere people who seek nothing but love and truth.

(There’s a good example of that in this excellent video about a church in New Zealand).

If he hadn’t been resurrected and ascended, I’d say that the way his message has been misused and distorted would have Jesus rolling in his grave. Or, as he said, those who harm children deserve to have their heads cut off and cast into the sea.

Tom and Chet Hanks, Madonna and Oprah, have all been eliminated – but replaced, temporarily, with clones or doubles. Remember – this is a world-scale movie, a reality show that blends fact and fiction, truth and lies, because this is multi-faceted warfare with a winner-takes-all outcome.

That said, I believe there is a good chance that the world will also experience, before long, the appearance of an armada of truly ascended masters, such as Jesus himself. And that will signal the final demise of Lucifer.

Meanwhile, as Wilcock and Nino discussed, thousands of US Marshalls have been activated, and in a (projected) time of temporary martial law, many more arrests and trials before military tribunals can be expected.

As many as half a million sealed indictments already exist.

Many trials have already been conducted, and filmed – using analog equipment (I see that as recording with film, rather than video, because film cannot be manipulated in the way digital video can be altered and faked).

Those trials will be broadcast throughout the world to be seen on cellphones, and whatever other electronic devices such as televisions, may be still functional at the time.

Personally, I don’t see the Deep State going down without using what they have left in their arsenal.

They still have Project Blue Beam technology – as far as I know – and could use that to mount a fake alien invasion. To make it more realistic, they could also throw in a few real cloned giant warriors – and top it all off with one or more of their existing flying battleships (UFOs we’d call them).

Fortunately, nuclear weapons are not an option (see this 2 minute video) ….

… but they may still have the ability to create earthquakes, devastating storms and floods, and of course they are doing their best to scare the world into taking yet more killshots (vaccines) for this manufactured Bird Flu “plandemic.” (I covered that in this post:- All You Need To Know….)

It’s A Wrap

If/when martial law comes about, it would be very wise to stay home, inside. The marshals, or the military, do not need volunteer civilians coming to their aid in a firefight.

They know their job, as I learned one time when an armed US Marshall kept an eye on me from a second floor window as I met with an individual who had previously threatened to have me killed by contract.

Believe me, to this day I am a firm advocate and practitioner of the Second Amendment. I also have my own five-letter agency – HKUSP – and a very short and ugly friend known only as HollowNose9mm. He’s got some big brothers, one of whom only speaks KaChingggg!- but they’re undercover operators.

So there you have it – a roundup or a wrapup of what we can maybe expect in the fog of war – a future slow in the making, and yet to be experienced.

We’ve often heard “The Plan” as it’s called, likened to a movie, right?

Well, all good movies have a very predictable formula. There’s always that last minute, last second, high drama as the clock counts down to zero.

Fortunately, once we pass zero, the sequel to this film will be a whole lot better than the original.

All The Best

Be Well – Prepared.

Michael Knight.

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About This Blog

Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.

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You can also make one-time or recurring Donations at FundRazr (where you’ll find a short explanatory video as to why Michael started requesting donations after many years of doing this work for free).

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