
Trump signed so many Executive Orders immediately after his inauguration, it’s impossible to cover them all.

His pardon of 1500 J6 political prisoners obviously topped the list – getting back into drilling was a notable one – but a later report that he spoke in favor of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its role in total surveillance of everyone, all day every day, was my choice to focus on this report.

Also included is the World Economic Forum meeting at Davos, where they got a serious rap over the knuckles because of their championing of DEI and the narrative about letting children have their genitals switched out.

That, and more, is covered in today’s video.

Another aspect of this AI total surveillance push is the claim that it will also be able to fit into the health system and “save lives.”

Aside from Ellison, there are many who think AI is the life-saver of the future.

They say it will be able to analyze a blood sample, detect what type of cancer exists (even if it is not yet active) and that AI will then tell its users how to make a “vaccine” (their words) that could be created and used within 24 hours – no prior testing required at all.

In regard to those future “vaccines” they will include that acronym, mRNA – which if I’m not mistaken, can be programmed (or let’s say it can be hacked) and your brain can then be reprogrammed – and you then, perhaps gradually, come under control by whatever program is inserted by your controllers.

Let me know what you think in the comments – and you might be saving lives in real time if you pass this article link on to others.

McDonald’s Selling Human Meat?

First, some background from a personal experience – a fact, and I’m being truthful.

I heard on an Art Bell radio show about 30 years ago when a caller – claiming to be a rabbi from New York – said children were sacrificed for their blood during a certain celebration.

When asked what they did with the bodies, he said “why do you think we introduced hamburger and sausages?”

Recently, videos on the subject of McDonald’s selling human meat have made it onto social media – which has turned the mainstream media and its “fact checkers” into the usual lockstep debunking of the subject.

There’s one representative example at this link:

I snagged the above image when a story broke in New York some years ago, where tunnels were found behind a wall in a synagogue.

Since then I’ve seen old newspaper reports from LA, where one man in particular was hunting for dragon people in the tunnels under LA.

Interestingly, we now know that many tunnels do exist, connecting houses of the rich and famous – many of whom are Satan wsorshipers , pedophiles, adrenochrome junkies, and much worse.

In that New York article child clothing was, as I recall, found in one of the tunnels.

Unfortunately, other than the lizard thing trying to haul its child victim back into the underground, the other images seem to have disappeared from my files – but the point here is that, whenever the the presstitutes start blasting anything as a conspiracy theory, or start using the “fact checkers” (they set up themselves) they’re probably lying.

Having said all that, another fact is that it is many years since we decided not to eat burgers from the franchised places, and I’ll leave you with the link to one of those viral videos about McDonald’s selling human meat in their burgers.


Be Well, Be Safe,

Michael Knight

Have you noticed how thje big mainstream guys charge you to read the full article = and I’m out here working for free (at least to the hundreds who are on the free list).

Yes, some do make regular donations, and a few – very few – have opted for the Tier 2 option.

Hint hint hint …..

Just sayin’


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One response to “First-Week-Trump-News-Good-And-Bad”

  1. Marilyn Dwyer Avatar
    Marilyn Dwyer

    Just letting you know how you are now being perceived out there.

    I have, in the last week had trouble accessing your newsletters as the free AVG software wouldn’t allow me on saying it was a suspect site. It did not even give me the opportunity to say yay or nay. I got rid of that software and was fine for one day.

    Now this morning Google is telling me your site is dangerous and does not allow me to view the video you put together, but I am able to read your comments.

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