
There are many threads associated with this issue involving drones flying over DC, New York, and other locations.

Some of them have been described as high tech drones that can detect radioactivity.

They can certainly discover a radiation imprint of something the size of a nuclear rocket, missile, or atom bomb.

But that’s a thread we’ll get into later. We’ll start first with a really tiny thread.

For example, this thread includes the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which posted a report on December 13, saying that a radioactive “Ge-68 pin” was lost in transit on December 4.

It was a very small item that is used in a cancer treatment facility.

And that, supposedly, is what special drone radiation sniffer drones are on the hunt.

There’s much more to that thread than this, but we’ll start with this image that I found during my own research at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

That report is not easy to read, so here is the essence of it –

“The shipping container arrived at its destination damaged and empty.”

“Sources contain a very small amount of radioactive material if not safely managed or securely protected,”…” could possibly – although it is unlikely – (to) temporarily injure someone who (would need to be) close to it for a period of many weeks.”


A Bunch Of Losers

While digging deep into that site, I found similar reports going back many years.

In other words, these items have been lost more than once – but there seems to be no follow-up saying that these items have been recovered.

It’s purely speculation to wonder why such items would be lost from time to time. Nor is there any previous reference to any high-tech drones being deployed to sniff for radiation signals. Therefore, this recent report may just be a fortuitous coincidence…maybe.

It has now been reported by some officials on media outlets, leaving viewers with the impression that something really serious in the way of nuclear radiation has been reported, although the fact that it’s only a minuscule amount of radiation is not referenced.

I’m sure this leaves viewers in a sense of uncertainty, and fear as well.

Unfortunately, the same could be said of the same that follows.

The hard truth is that those of us who are well aware that a global war has been under way for years between the Evil and Good – now it is about to break into a full open battle that may well involve the death of uncounted numbers of ordinary people.

You could call it collateral damage – which has been inevitable in every war – IF this one blows up in the United States.

President Trump Weighs In – With Comms

Speaking about the sightings of drones…

Trump says he’s staying away from his New Jersey golf club amid the drone sightings.

“The government knows what is happening.

“Our military knows – where they took off from.

“They know where it came from and where it went.”

“Something strange is going on.”

“For some reason, they don’t want to comment.”

“Our military knows and our president knows.”


I’d suggest he’s offering “comms,” – hinting about himself when he said “Our military knows and our president knows.” He is both CIC, and the president who “knows.” And because as president-elect he is now sitting in on daily top level briefings he knows a lot about more than just a missing little item from a cancer treatment clinic.

Is it possible that he knows the White Hats and the Black Hats are feinting against each other? And who will make the first move?

A Fight To The Death

If we pull the reigns on one’s emotions and once again call upon the metaphor that we are watching a global movie, we can once again observe the Bad Hats and White Hats are now locked in deadly combat – the winner takes all.

“Influencers, such as Juan O Savin, have said we wil reach an Extinction Level event. We’ve been warned that humanity will be tottering on the edge of the precipice.

I can’t say for sure that it will be a nuclear confrontation, but it seems quite possible that some form of limited nuclear device could be used.

Here’s Another Movie Metaphor

Hanging on the precipice

However, as we contemplate this “movie,” while the metaphor serves a purpose, Balrog (aka the Black Hats) may speculate that somewhere within this script the Black Hats plan to use very real nuclear weapons in order to take America to that “Extinction Level” event.

How could that be possible?

After the USSR – the Soviet Union – was undone with the fall of the Berlin wall, a nuclear agreement saw nuclear weapons being withdrawn, and many scrapped and disposed of. Many former Soviet countries once again became independent nations.

One of them was Kiev.

As a newsman back then, I recall news of the time saying as many as 80 fully operable nuclear missiles simply disappeared.

About 20 years ago there was also news in America saying a number of nuclear bombs disappeared from a plane’s cargo (or was it fighter plane missiles?) and they were never found.

Now, if I choose to express a considered opinion, I imagine that the hydra-headed “things” that go by many names (such as Illuminati, Khazarian Mafia, Globalists, Banker Families, Elite, Deep State, Black Hats – and others) they have been active under many cloaks and have spun many webs for centuries, if not eons.

Many a country around the world has been spun by insurrection spiders of the like of blackmailed or simply greedy politicians who have over time trapped there country within an invisible gossamer web.

President Kennedy Had This To Say

The Gunfight At The OK Corral

American folk lore bespeaks of old movies in which the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats.

The white hats would hunt down the black hats – and the white hats, even if shot and wounded in a gunfight, would nevertheless win – sometimes finishing the movie with black hats hanging from a tree.

But now, in this final gunfight, so to speak, the White Hats are on the trail.

It should be quite possible that one nuclear weapon (at least one or more) has been sequestered by the hydra gang of Black Hats, all working together, but each in their individual roles, until now. They were confident that they would win – but then, their plans got shredded when Trump blew the walls off their playbook.

They tried this…and failed..and failed…and failed…

Somehow, perhaps thanks to divine assistance, at least 90 million voters have helped the president-elect and his chosen sidekicks almost make it to the inauguration.

I say “almost make it to the inauguration,” because the Black Hats may still intend to pull the trigger on a nuclear device.

Obviously, I would very honestly hope that I am just flapping my gums, but there remains what might be akin to a shadowy remote view ahead – including the observation that, let’s say, the White Hats have top secret high-tech drones that are launched from an underwater craft.

Both sides have other exotic craft, and this could well see a battle in the skies while the White Hat drones continue their hunt for a nuke of some sort.

Perhaps they are also capable of donning the sort of invisible cloak that Bilbo disappeared from his enemy?

Why Not – why shouldn’t we imagine this to be not just cowboys in white hats and black hats?

Is this not a real time movie in which the White Hats and the Black Hats are locked in combat to the death.

After all, we live in the current world of sci-fi movies and CGI constructs and clones and doubles and actors and a messed up movie script that has so many twists and turns it looks like it was thrown on a canvas by a pissed off chimpanzee…pissed off because the movie sucks, and he’s missing the popcorn and peanuts….

To borrow a word from one who returned to life, former SEAL Michael Jaco said something to the effect that warriors have a way of joking around because it takes the edge off those heart-wrenching moments that follow the inevitable loss of those who die in battle.

Best Wishes,

With Love,

Michael Knight.

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Owner and author Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

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Blog, Deep State


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2 responses to “Drones-Liars-And-Star-Seeds”

  1.  AvatarAnonymousDecember 15, 2024EditVery heavy subject material. Thanks again for all.
  2. Fred Vanderbeek AvatarFred VanderbeekDecember 15, 2024EditRight (T)here Right (K)now
    Watching The World Wake Up
    From HistoryReply

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