This video is embedded as a stand-alone report from The People’s Voice.
But with-added text from a Telegram channel about royal bloodlines – Jesus bloodlines – Satan bloodlines – including Presidents Lincoln and Trump, General Patton, Cain and Abel….
I’d recommend watching the video first, so you have some context for what follows.
From “Val Thor” on Telegram
Remember over 3 years ago I told this audience when Resident Biden was inaugurated at his fake inauguration on 20 Jan. 2021 that you are watching a movie, that Trump remains POTUS but he must allow the Democrats, the Internationalists, the Globalists and the Communists and Socialists to think that they got away with stealing the 2020 election so as to catch all the criminal perpetrators in the world’s largest sting operation known to humanity.
· As an example of this Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix Construct or the 13 Illuminati Royal Bloodline Families – Bloodlines: President Lincoln’s son Omar Lincoln is JFK Sr. His brother’s father William Wallace is President Lincoln’s son. The two Kennedy brothers were adopted into the Kennedy Family. Both brothers are Lincoln Kahlooni by birth, not Kennedys. Abraham Lincoln is a Kahlooni = Druze/Jesus Bloodline. President Trump’s real father is General Patton. Trump was adopted into the Trump family. General Patton is William Wallace Lincoln Kahlooni’s son. (Remember, William Wallace is President Abe Lincoln’s son). Trump = Druze/Jesus/Bloodline.
· These Bloodlines run on the Righteous side and the Satanic (Cain) side of humanity and descend all the way back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and their son, Cain who was the progeny of Eve and Satan. *N.B.: That the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Family has interbred with the British Royal Family for over 200 years.
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The Reincarnation Puzzle Piece

Among the 8000 images in my archives is this one (above) snagged several years ago. It was said to be a montage of individuals sharing the same bloodline.
I was naturally dubious, and have not used it until today, but at the time it prompted me to do some extensive research on reincarnation – especially about my own family lineage back in New Zealand – and I came up with this.

I don’t mind if you choose to be dubious about that yourself. It’s something we have to go through if we’re looking for deeper understanding – and truth.
When we engage in research, we gradually come across another piece of apparently significant but puzzling information. I call it a puzzle piece – just one extra piece that fits somewhere in this unfinished 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle.
Frankly, while it’s interesting to have found this somewhat lookalike imagery, I’m not one to think it should have any overtones of self importance in the life I am living today. After all, he’s dead – so the primary lesson, for me, is the realization that I am (we are) imbued with a truly immortal soul and spirit – a consciousness that is on an eternal journey.
If that is not the case, then we have but one life – born in sin, as religion would say, while making no effort to explain where we came from before birth.
Under that scenario, we are destined only to be born, live, then die and have a humanized “God,” whom we are told throughout life we should fear, assisted by Jesus, who we are told throughout life loved us so much that he died for our sins…. consign us to heaven or hell.
As for the bloodlines mentioned by “Val Thor” and the lineage from Adam and Eve, when pondered alongside other information, such as the undeniable evidence contained in translations of the ancient cuneiform tablets of Sumeria, and tomes such as The Epic of Gilgamesh, and even the Old Testament of the Bible, one can come to some better informed insights than if one relies on just one source of information.

Remember, “there were giants in those days.”
Gilgamesh was one of them – and you don’t make a statue of a giant holding a lion under one arm if you’re trying to illustrate a “myth” as some of the rewriters of history would like you to believe.
The epic is about Gilgamesh on a journey to find his true lineage – his father if you will – because he was a cross-breed between one of the “gods” and a human woman of the time. The fact that he was on a personal bloodline investigation is certainly a good enough reason to include him in this article.
Genesis 6:4. King James Version. 4 “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
Gilgamesh was one of the men of renown, but a half-breed nevertheless.
My deduction (and yours may differ) is that Satan was one of the “sons of God” – a physical being, immortal already, but a very nasty Sonavabitch.
And, as per the Bible, Corinthians 4:4 New Living Translation “ Satan, who is the god of this world,…” used Eve to establish a bloodline that exists to this day. –
To coin a phrase, “They Live” but they look as human as anyone, although they secretly, and sometimes openly, worship Satan. and their purpose has been to tirelessly, from generation to generation, from civilization to civilization, infiltrate, undermine, and destroy those of the other bloodline .
Satan, and his minions, have even used religion (religions in fact) to achieve that purpose – for but one example, the Roman Catholic Church.

This is the great Hall of Audience.
Please do NOT assume that I am dismissing the genuine sincerity of good faith people who have embraced Christianity (or any other religion) in any of its forms.
They deserve respect for their beliefs, and as one who has always loved what few things the Bible has quoted Jesus as saying, such as from “New International Version and King James Version. Psalm 82:6 King James Version “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.”
And “John 10:34 King James Version Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?” and ” Luke 17:20-21, New Century Version, God’s Kingdom Is Within You:- Some of the Pharisees asked Jesus, “When will the kingdom of God come?” Jesus answered, “God’s kingdom is coming, but not in a way that you will be able to see with your eyes. People will not say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ because God’s kingdom is within you.”
Those are Jesus’ quotes which none of the thousands of Christian sects ever explains. In reality, the churches I attended long ago would bang the “you are a lowly sinner” drum, and even had a prayer book in which I was supposed to intone “we who are lower than worms.”
Consequently, I chose long ago to seek answers (and truth) elsewhere.
Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment.
And many books, current video documentaries, and endless Internet research.
I also discovered that Satan, far from being some invisible boogeyman that will mess with your head even after you have “given your life to Jesus” (which I did as a child) is, truthfully, the living “god” of this world.
I made a video/blog post about that which you can look at later if you wish

Bible References To Satan As Ruler Of This World
John 12:31 Now judgment is upon this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out. Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. The time for judging this world has come, when Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out.
That is precisely what is happening now. It is the reason for the war between White Hats and Black Hats.
I(n my opinion, it is also the reason why we see posts such as this one about blood lines by “Val Thor.” It’s all about waking up as many people as possible to the realities of the present – and what has been deliberately hidden from, us in the past
Because of these many decades of research and learning, I have a far more enlightened understanding of current events. Satan is real. Satan hates the one true God. And Satan and his bloodline descendants hate the majority of humanity who are, as Jesus said, sons (and daughters) of the one true god – that formless, non-physical universal consciousness that is the life force in every physical thing – including you and me.
But please DO understand that my personal sincerity is simply about revealing the many ways that this entity – Satan – has been able to rule this world and bring its people, generation by generation, to its current state of total decadence which, in my view, is worse than anything we might have read about Sodom and Gomorrah – or even the end of one civilization in the Great Flood of Noah’s time.
It has been a struggle to overcome my ego and sense of self importance, my long-ago self-identity as a nationally recognized reporter and front-man. I quit, and chose a different path. But I am still a reporter – a messenger. And sometimes the news is good. Sometimes it’s bad.
I am neither prophet nor guru. If anything I am but a reporter – a messenger perhaps – and that can be a tricky calling.
But not nearly as tricky or dangerous a calling as being a reincarnating General Patton, saying “Fight. Fight. Fight”

Well I went off on a tangent there, but it was at some level relevant, hopefully offering information that might be helpful in assembling your own 1000-piece puzzle. Or at least giving one cause for pause, contemplation, and, hopefully, an incentive to do more research.
Scroll down for some suggestions.
Best wishes.
Michael Knight.
PS:_ My next blog/video will be about an exercise involving helicopters landing at the White House. What are they prepping us for? Stay Tuned.

Further Research

You might like to choose this insightful look into what Clif High calls Big Consciousness
It is his down to earth explanation of how we fit into the universe – this world – and this time. I for one refer to it as The One True God – the all-encompassing Life Force Consciousness which Jesus was talking about when he said the kingdom of heaven is within you. We are all the sons and daughters of that Big Consciousness – which is NOT the humanized image of “god” conjured up by religion.
If you wish to further your research to attempt to validate the information given by “Val Thor,” these links could be a starting point.
I started by searching for “who or what are the Kahloonis” and these were among the first to come up. › solving-the-1-000-year-old-mystery-of-druze-origin-with-a-genetic-sat-nav-68550
Solving the 1,000-year-old mystery of Druze origin with a genetic sat nav
Solving the 1, 000-year. -old mystery of Druze origin with a genetic sat nav. For 1,000 years, the mysterious origin of the Druze people – who live almost exclusively in the mountains of Syria …Only include results for this siteHide site from these results › news › 2016-11-year-old-mystery-druze-people-genetic.html
How we solved the 1,000-year-old mystery of the Druze people’s origin …
Medieval Ashkenazic Jews lived in ancient villages in northeast Turkey known as “ancient Ashkenaz” – which was close to the mountainous homeland of the Druze. Our findings explain a 1,000-year …Only include results for this siteHide site from these results › post › the-lincoln-kahlooni-druze-minority-bloodline-the-jesus-strand
The Lincoln Kahlooni Druze Minority Bloodline: The Jesus Strand
This brings our attention to the point in the story where I must introduce the main source of this information, Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) the brother of John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni Jr. (a.k.a. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr.) who allegedly died 39 hours after his birth. Below you will see the profile picture from his official twitter account which hosts a never …Only include results for this siteHide site from these results › bloodlines-kennedy-lincoln-kahlooni
Bloodlines Kennedy / Lincoln / Kahlooni | Mysite
The family Tree of Issa Kahlooni is well known in Lebanon Syria and Israel – Issa means Jesus. They arrived at the Port of Derna in Libya in March 1911. They had 2 boys who were both kidnapped from Benghazi, and handed over to mafia boss family Joseph Kennedy and was raised by him and his wife
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About This Blog

Owner and author Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.
He created this website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.
Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.
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