What-Are The-Chances-Of Nuclear-War

It’s a very fair question:- What ARE the chances of nuclear war?

As the world appears to be inching closer to nuclear war, it’s time to take a look at what this movie script is all about.

But before we dive in, I’d also like to say that I write for “the one” who has a personal and open minded desire to know. This might be your first exposure to such information, or you might be a well-informed patriot. Either way it is imperative that we take the time to study, research, find what we can in the way of facts and truth, for it is truly said that the truth will set you free.

I sincerely hope this will be helpful in that regard.

That said, you should be aware that this is a lengthy article. It covers an awful lot of ground. It includes links to sources, which you may or may not choose to follow. It also includes some embedded videos which are both timely, and very informative. But it will take time to get through it all – so with that said, it’s up to you to continue, or take this in several sittings – before the big mushroom lights up the sky (which I am sure it won’t).

However, if we ask how did the world get to this point where the chances of nuclear war seem to be approaching that moment when someone pushes the big red button, we need only start by looking back to the time Russia started its “Special Military Operation,” as they called it, against Ukraine in February 2022.

Now it should be understood that these are my personal reflections on the matter, starting with what the United States, in the form of an “acting” president, has had to say since Russia started its special military operation.

The purpose, never reported honestly by the Western media, was to take out US-funded bioweapon labs, and to rescue thousands of children from underground facilities.

Ukraine was a hub of the global child trafficking industry, kidnapping, trafficking, and killing children to harvest adrenochrome for the “elite” of the world.

It was also a central locus for money laundering, in which the Pelosi, Biden and Romney families were heavily involved. Remember, Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars unless Ukraine fired a prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden, his Burisma company, and its investments in the adrenochrome and trafficking business.

Putin was quick to release evidence of all of this. He even had one of his diplomats call on the United Nations to start a special investigation into the matter. But of course, that never saw the light of day. In addition, peace talks which Ukraine was on the point of agreeing to were scuttled by the United States and the UK’s then Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. Why? Because the West was buying time for Ukraine to build up its military.

And here we are now, apparently heading toward being annihilated as a species by a nuclear war.

Here is something of a timeline on the matter. Just days after Russia started that operation, there was this report:- WASHINGTON, Feb 28 (Reuters) – “President Joe Biden said on Monday Americans should not worry about a nuclear war after Moscow put its nuclear deterrent on high alert amid a barrage of Western reprisals over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” (Source)

But by October 2022, Biden (I refuse to call him president) was saying the risk of nuclear Armageddon was the highest it had been for 60 years. (Source). Then in June 2023 he said the threat of Putin using nuclear weapons was “real.” (Source)

Fast forward just 15 months, to today, and as those of us who ski the slopes of social media are aware, there is much talk at present of a major “scare event.” Given the years of threat and counter-threat between the West and Russia, the prospect of nuclear war definitely falls into that category.

The truly sick irony is that the West, having won WW2, is now hell bent on supporting what is a Nazi stronghold – Ukraine – and its president, Zelensky.

The latest development follows the use of long range missiles by Ukraine to target sites – such as a large complex producing Russian military vehicles and armaments, an oil refinery and a munitions depot, among others, deep into Russia. Those missiles are supplied by the West. Therefore, those attacks prompted Russia to respond.

While there is no good reason to trust in or believe any established news source in the West, the Associated Press (AP) ran an article a few days ago (Sept 25) datelined Moscow, saying “In a strong, new warning to the West, President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that any nation’s conventional attack on Russia that is supported by a nuclear power will be considered a joint attack on his country.

“The threat, outlined in a revision of Moscow’s nuclear doctrine, was clearly aimed at discouraging the West from allowing Ukraine to strike Russia with longer-range weapons and appears to significantly lower the threshold for the possible use of Russia’s nuclear arsenal.” (Source)

For its part, the online news outlet, RT (Russia Today, Sept 28) has an article headlined “Here’s what Putin really meant by updating Russia’s nuclear doctrine.”

(FWIW – I subscribed to RT years ago and receive their daily headlines. Despite the US desire to sanction it out of existence, RT writes in the old school way – it is not laced with the biased opinions of its reporters; instead, it differentiates between reports that impartially look at both sides of an issue, and also includes editorial opinions by various contributors. Granted, RT naturally favors the Russian point of view, but, in my view, does so in a straightforward way. Compared to RT, the New York Times, as but one example, is nothing but a propaganda rag for the Deep State).

The author writes:- “It is worth remembering that during the Ukraine conflict quite radical options have been discussed (by the West), including the creation of a no-fly zone, the deployment of NATO troops, the stationing of fighter jets that could operate over Ukrainian soil, and much more. But none of this happened, precisely because the Russian side expressed and articulated very painful options for its military response. And these warnings worked.”

Perhaps they did, as far as moving toward a nuclear standoff was concerned, but nothing has stopped the West from ripping off its taxpayers to the tune of trillions of dollars, while depleting their own military inventory by sending tanks and planes and armored cars to Ukraine to be blown up.

Since 2022, the US and other nations have given Ukraine billions, even trillions, of dollars in money and armaments. Behind the scenes, they have also had their three-letter agencies and military specialists “advising” Ukraine. In other words, it has been a proxy war, using Ukraine as the head of the spear with the intention of destroying Russia, and Putin in particular. No matter what the cost in Ukrainian lives – by the hundreds of thousands. For what?

Another RT report says “Putin’s nuclear doctrine updates are a final warning to the West.” (Source)

What this boils down to is that Russia has had enough of the double-speak and hypocrisy of the West, which includes the NATO countries, the UK, and the United States. They have made no secret of the fact that they are using Ukraine as a proxy in the (I’d say forlorn) hope that they can tear Russia apart – even if it means poking the bear until a nuclear Armageddon is inevitable.

The collective brain damage of these Western “leaders” is impossible for the average person to comprehend.

But if you’ve been following the Q posts since 2017, and are aware of the White Hats versus Black Hats, Good versus Evil, unconventional but very real war that is under way behind the scenes, you’ll have a much better informed understanding of what it’s all about.

It’s about exposing the truth of Satan, and his worshipers, at every level; it’s about destroying their adrenochrome harvesting labs and child torture chambers; it’s about saving the children.

That’s what it is about – and the Deep State/Satanists had indeed intended to create a full-on nuclear war. Their plan was to do so during Hillary Clinton’s presidency, if she had won, and go to their underground cities, and emerge when the danger was past.

But now, the White Hats, with what we might call supernatural help from various ET races, are working in the background to ensure this war has an outcome that, for once, does not end civilization once again – as did the Great Flood of Noah’s time – the annihilation of Sodom and Gomorrah – and the wars of the gods as detailed in the Mahabarata of the Far East.

Deep research will verify all those facts.

You’ll also be aware that President Trump still wields a pretty big stick – much bigger than that of the actor non-president Biden.

Even those with less background knowledge must by now be questioning the fact that world leaders have been regular visitors to Mar-A-Largo, and why that scruffy looking former actor Zelensky had a meeting with DJT at Trump Tower just yesterday (Sept 27). (Source)

RT states:- “Appearing beside Zelensky afterwards, Trump said: “I learned a lot, but I think I haven’t changed from the standpoint that we both want to see this end and we both want to see a fair deal made.”

For his part, Zelensky “has ruled out doing so through negotiations.” Instead “he presented US President Joe Biden with a so-called ‘victory plan’, which he claims offers a road map to defeating Russia militarily.”

In other words (mine) he’s playing his part in escalating the situation toward a major ”scare event,” – and Biden (the actor) on behalf of the Cartel/Deep State (or so it appears on the surface) is playing his part in that as well.

But let’s pause here for a second. It’s hard to explain in a few words, but the White Hats have ripped a page out of the Black Hats’ playbook, and although it involves the continuation of this war in Ukraine (and the one in Israel) including the deaths of countless civilians, it’s a super sophisticated operation, based entirely on military strategic planning. There’s nothing for us civilians to like about it, but as Australia’s Lt. Col. Ricardo Bosi has said, the defeat of the enemy is the goal of the mission – and, unfortunately, civilians do lose their lives.(The carpet bombing of Berlin in WW2 would be an example of that – or the use of the atomic bomb on Japan).

Over and above the final eradication of the Evil Ones, taking us civilians, world-wide, to the precipice of nuclear war is (it seems) the only way to scare the majority awake to the realization that Evil has been in full control of everything, for a very long time.

Part of that strategy is the increasing reveal of such things as child trafficking. Over 100, 000 and perhaps as many as 300,000 children have disappeared after being brought across the southern border of the US. And that’s in America alone – under the Biden/Harris administration. God only knows what the numbers are on a global scale. Over the decades it has been going on, it must be in the order of millions.

From an email received while writing this post:- “Recently I heard Gene Decode say that almost all of these illegal alien children being trafficked over our border end up being trafficked/sent underground or off-planet!! Sad, but true…..MM.” This is a 20-minute report; sad, but true.

It’s as if, over time, we have been drip-fed bits of information about the cockroaches hiding in the dark. And now it’s time to bring them to light – and exterminate them. Forever.

Most recently, P. Diddy Combs has been arrested and is outed as having had a thousand containers of adrenochrome in a Florida warehouse. He is alleged to have trafficked literally thousands of children over the past several decades. He is now up for trial, and even his lawyer expects him to outdo any singing canary. Further, the relationship between him and Kamala Harris will likely soon make the headlines – and she’ll be gone. That’s covered in detail on this recent post on my blog.

Now back to the script.

RT says:- “Following his own meeting with Zelensky in the White House on Thursday, Biden announced more than $8 billion in military aid to Ukraine, while Harris described the idea of Kiev trading territory for peace as “dangerous and unacceptable.”

Frankly, it would not surprise me if Harris is the one referred to by Q in the post where he says “the first arrest will shock the world.” But maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

Emergency Broadcast

Currently, there are posts on the likes of Telegram and X (twitter) that proclaim the imminent use of the Emergency Broadcast System in conjunction with the sudden shutdown of all media outlets. Anyone with a cellphone, no matter where in the world they might be, will therefore receive the shocking news that the times, they are a-changing.

This, we’re told, will herald the takeover of those media outlets (or at least the Internet of cell towers) and the broadcast, for several days, of prerecorded trials , convictions, and appropriate sentences of those who have been the scourge of us normal people. Normal in the sense that we are NOT power mad, pedophiliac, child trafficking monsters whose intent has been to kill us all off, one way or another.

That’s what the bioweapon labs in Ukraine were about – and the gain of function research in China which Obama and Fauci facilitated.

That’s what the CV19 planned pandemic was about – designed to murder millions with everything from shots filled with snake venom and nanobots to the use of killer drugs such as remdesivir on the aged, sick and helpless. Yes – hospitals became the modern day holocaust centers, their boards, administrators, doctors and many nurses being “rewarded” to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on their kill ratio. One report from the UK that I read recently said some hospitals had hired mercenary women as nurses. They did what they did, then disappeared.

Q was most definitely correct when he said “those who know, cannot sleep.” And, as eerie as it appears, he seemed totally prescient about current events in that post back in 2018.

If this factual but hard-hitting article therefore shocks you into sleeplessness, I’d suggest, as I usually do, that there’s a potentially very bright-side to all of this – although it is still rather far ahead.

Like Hurricane Helene that has just taken lives and destroyed billions of dollars worth of real estate as it hammered its way across the lower US states, or the breaking dam in Poland (if I recall correctly) that last week ripped through several neighboring countries, there just has to be a calm after the storm.

It’s a fact, Trump did once say “this is the calm before the storm,” and he was so right. And when asked “what storm Mr President,” he said “you’ll find out.” Which we have indeed. (But don’t click the play arrow. This is just an image capture turned into a meme).

So serious has that storm become that to date there have been two (known) assassination attempts on him – because the Deep State knows he is their total nemesis; he will finish the job he started, even though there will be a lot of mud to clean out once the swamp is drained.

Another recent post says nine surface to air missiles have been smuggled into the US – which naturally leads to the conclusion that President Trump’s plane, Trump Force One, is the intended target.
If that is so, and their intention is to take down Trump’s private jet, I’d remind you that he was accompanied to his 2016 inauguration by at least two UFOs. I snagged this image myself from the footage shot by the following Fox10 news crew.

These are the ET vehicles, or among them, that once shut down nuclear silos and nuclear missiles, including those on submarines, in all nations, all around the world.

Maybe, these days, someone will get away with using a nuclear bomb, perhaps a low yield one, in the Middle East, where Israel’s Zionist leaders (not the average Jew, as Scott Ritter points out) are once again on a genocidal rampage.

But as for all-out nuclear war – rhetoric, for public consumption, may be the game plan for now, but the evidence is that it will not happen – at all.

And, in closing, I’d like to recommend the following embedded videos. They throw a lot of additional light on the dark corners of these matters…but more importantly, they help one imagine what the future can and should be after these Satanic SOBs are finally dealt with.

This first one is a discussion between Michael Jaco and Heather Mays – a beautifully articulate woman with a wonderful and uplifting way of seeing the present, and what we can do by way of creating our own future.

Martin Brodel and Lt Col Bosi (in Australia) certainly have a broad understanding of what the world is going through, what we might expect as the snake finally gets its head kicked in, and what the world could look like once the swamp is drained.

And that’s it, from me, for the moment.


Michael Knight.

PS- This book I wrote provides a detailed look into the background of the Deep State – and some thoughts on what the future holds as well.

It’s available on Amazon in paperback and ebook formats


About This Blog

Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.

While this is a voluntary “labor of love” for humanity, an endeavor such as this does have consistent overheads, and Michael cannot afford to cover all costs personally – which he did for many years.

Therefore, although there is no obligation, donations definitely help keep the show on the road, especially for those who need this information in its free form but cannot afford to donate even if they wanted to.

You can also make one-time or recurring Donations at FundRazr (where you’ll find a short explanatory video as to why Michael started requesting donations after many years of doing this work for free).


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