A-Toast-To-Kamala- And-Combs

They’ve got a hang of a problem.

But First…

My computer continues its frustrating intermittent malfunction dance, so it may be a week or more before I can provide more than a minimalist newsletter such as this one.

It’s all but impossible to create my own videos at present, and even posts like this one require multiple additional steps in the process.

Meanwhile, my very sincere thanks to those who have donated so far…. for those who may wish to do so and help reach the target, there’s a donation explanation – and link – following the three significant videos I have been able to embed from Rumble and YouTube.

All three contain up-to-the-minute information which you certainly won’t find on the presstitute media.


Michael Knight

Good News

If you have Precious Metals.

Gold has jumped $107.20 per ounce in just the past week – from $2,574.60 on Sept 18, to $2,681,80 on Sept 25.

Silver was around $30.30 on Sept 18, and a week later it’s at $32.20. (Source:- https://www.apmex.com/silver-price).

Various sources – not mainstream – are saying there will be a wordlwide crsasdh in the next few weeks as control of world finances is finallky wrested from the Cabal. But there will be an uncomfortable time of transition to whatever new system/s are put in place.

This could mean a massive power outage for a day or two in order to shut down the existing banking system,, before everything is brought back on line and the new financial system is introduced.

Kamala Harris is Toast.

So says Phil Godlewski, one of the alternative media influencers with a worldwide following in the tens of thousands (perhaps even millions) in his latest intel drop.

Harris’s association with long-time child trafficker and blackmailer Diddy Combs is about to be made public, and that will be the end of her run for the presidency – and, likely, the end of any election on Nov 5 .. as well as the end of the Democrat party.

His insights into the way the White Hats are winning this battle against the Deep State really do a lot to explain how they, with President Trump, really are winning (and perhaps have already won) this war.

This was not mentioned on his podcast, but another shock the masses cannot possibly be prepared for in advance, is that blackmailer Diddy videoed Michelle (Michael) Obama doing horrible things at one of those “freak-out”parties.

All this, and much more is coming up for exposure in the next month or more.

Fast Forward to 21 minutes in

However, as you’ll learn in the following video discussion between Dr Meri Crouley and historian Mike King, the war isn’t over yet. In fact, it looks as though “the plan” calls for the world to reach the brink of nuclear war.

P. Diddy, Trump, and WW3.

I’m sure many subscribers have been aware of and following the Q posts since they first came out in October 2017.

But few have the insight and knowledge of how the Deep State was first “birthed” with the establishment of the Illuminati in 1776.

And they’ve been after world control ever since.

I found this discussion between Dr Meri Crouley and journalist Mike King to be most informative – a refresher if you will, but also easily followed by anyone who is only recently becoming aware of “something wrong” with this world.

Super-Panic in Hollywood.

David Nino Rodriguez does a piece to cam during his current visit to a seminar in Vegas…in which he spells out how the Diddy Combs arrest has created a super panic among the Hollywood elite.

They are frantically deleting past posts and channels, including one where one of the “stars” was openly saying she drinks blood while participating in certain rituals.

As that horror movie says, “They Walk Among Us.”

The Jesus/Satan Saga.

My video on that subject has received a LOT of views already.

One astute subscriber was good enough to post the link on GAB, and emailed me the following comment from one of its viewers:- “awesome video! explains so very much in a short time! Share share share – God is with us … pray.”

You can see it at this link:- https://northstarnewsletter.com/2024/09/23/the-jesus-satan-saga-god-wins/

Why I’m Requesting Donations

I’ve had to forgo the purchase I was looking at, but that turned out to be a good thing.

Instead, a techy guru with years of experience (and a subscriber as well) has offered to build a custom unit which will be better for my purposes than the refurbished one which had probably already had years of use in a corporate office somewhere.

Some of the donations so far have been very generous – but no matter the amount, each donor has contributed out of a sense of generosity, and, I am sure, because they value the work that I do on behalf of all subscribers.

Therefore, in a broader sense, they are also assisting those who are free subscribers, but cannot afford to donate, even if they wanted to, because of personal circumstances.

As promised, I will remove the donation request and link for this project as soon as there’s enough in the kitty to cover costs – and please note, while I do need help to get this sorted out, I am only asking for donations IF you can afford it, and ONLY IF you can afford, even a small amount).

Some have been much more than small, but every one is totally appreciated.

Am I Drifting Into Grifting? NO.

But Do I Need Help? YES.

It’s The Old Divorce and Fresh Start Story….With a Twist.

Like me, my computer has lived beyond the average life span.

Pretty soon it’ll be about 20 years old.
But it’s in worse shape than I am.

 By that I mean it is slower than a wet week, and it now takes up to four times longer to get certain critical jobs done.

Among other issues, the copy and paste function has all but gone AWOL.

Sound will not play on some sites, such as Telegram.

The graphics card stutters and sometimes shuts down my video editing software.

One of the major issues is that it is not equipped sufficiently to upgrade to Windows 11, and Windows 10 has done its dash.

So there are lots of problems doing research on the Internet, and creating newsletters and videos.

The video about the Jesus/Satan saga took almost five days instead of two because of computer glitches and downtime.

I must admit that I have been told in the past that I needed to be replaced – and so it is with this ancient PC.

 We need a divorce and a fresh start – preferably with something I’d be happy to spend the rest of my life with. (Been there, done that).

Thank you in advance for helping to make this happen.


Michael Knight.


If you prefer to donate by check, please make it out as follows..

Michael Knight
116 Swofford Rd
MossyrockWA 98564

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