
Is Hunter Biden Guilty of a gun crime? Yes.

Is Hunter Biden guilty of ped-o-philia?

Does the Hunter Biden Laptop make Hunter Biden guilty of both?

I made this video to answer those questions.

And if you have the slightest interest in saving children from such a fate, at least pass on the link.

From gun crime to crack and high crimes.

I sincerely recommend watching the video before continuing.

The whole family- Joe, James and Hunter – are guilty of many crimes. Yet, while James and Hunter have been referred to the DOJ to possibly be charged with lying to Congress, WHEN will justice finally be served?

The FBI, the mainstream media, dozens of former intelligence agency personnel, have ALL been covering for the Bidens and their High Crimes.

No wonder then that my video ends with this image. For all of them.

Please read below what this blog is about.

It’s about getting over the shocking truth and doing everything we can, even in the smallest way, as best we can, when it comes to saving children from these Satanic monsters.

And if you have not done so already, subscribe (it’s free but you have a tiered option) and you will receive immediate notification when new articles and videos are posted.

About This Blog

Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes awful facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.

While this is a voluntary labor of love for humanity, an endeavor such as this does have consistent overheads, and Michael cannot afford to cover all costs personally – which he did for many years.

Therefore, although there is no obligation, donations definitely help keep the show on the road, especially for those who need this information in its free form but cannot afford to donate even if they wanted to.

Donations at FundRazr

If you prefer to donate by check, please use this address:-

Michael Knight

116 Swofford Rd


WA 98564

My email address is contact (at)


Be well – prepared.

Michael Knight

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