Until Trump became an international star in this current world of chaos that is playing out like a movie about a secret war between Good and Evil, the Satanic ones were well on their way to achieving their goal of a New World Order – complete with the Mark of the Beast on everyone’s hand.
But the Evil Ones, for some reason, were always required to tell us their intentions – and they have done so in very sneaky ways.
It’s hard to imagine, let alone believe, that such things as the Simpsons’ cartoon nonsense has included forewarning about future events. Nobody in their right mind would take the Simpsons seriously, would they?
And yet, there are many times they veiled their prognostications about future potentials.
(1 : an indication in advance : foretoken 2 a : an act, the fact, or the power of prognosticating : forecast b: foreboding).
The center piece that justifies this essay is a film that follows this article, but first, here’s a one minute example of the Simpsons foretelling The Donald Trump Presidency (Season 11, Episode 17: “Bart to the Future”)
The second time The Simpsons took a peek into the future, Lisa has become president of the United States. In a cabinet meeting, long before Trump had even entered the 2016 race, she offhandedly mentions, “We inherited quite the budget crunch from President Trump.” (Source)
“It initially was a reference to Trump attempting a run as a Reform Party candidate. But the words gained much more validity when Trump was elected president in 2016.”
Did you notice she said she was the “first straight woman president”?
Was that an allusion to the coming days of DEI, when lesbian or transgenders or “bisexuals” would be vying for top tier control – for instance, being a contender for the presidency?
She was also told “the previous administration” had created an agenda that was turning out super soldiers – the exact opposite of what the current generation has become.
But in all, it was accurate about the fact that the country was broke – which President Trump has been saying for a while.
This Has To Do With That
Thanks to the technology of cellphones I am able to do an instant video chat with one of my my brother in New Zealand.
He surprised me by saying he was that moment watching “The Galactics.”
At some point I said “y’know, it looks like we’re living in a movie where the plots and subplots change by the minute.”
“Yes,” he said, “and the picture keeps getting bigger.”
I responded:- “Y’know, the bigger the picture gets, the more there is to learn about, and that just means that our minds are becoming bigger as well.”
By that I meant we had expanded our once narrow view of the world. We were willing to entertain the idea that we humans are not the only species God ever created.
Within our discussion I spoke about how I had gradually learned that politicians in America are like a bunch of kids, fighting each other, while the world is full of Satan worshipers who want to kill us off in any way possible.
Now here’s the thing. From the time of their creation, every species has free will. As humans it’s our birthright. We are born with the right to choose. We can choose the Good path, or the Evil path. Or somewhere in between.
Whatever choices we make not only create a future in line with that choice, as a result of free will, our choices also set our future karma.
What Is Karma?
“Karma – Noun – often capitalized : the force generated by a person’s actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person’s next existence. Each individual is born with karma, the residual from past lives that must be resolved …— Diane Goldner” (Source)
I guess it’s because Webster-Merriam is of the Western mindset that it implies that karma alone is a belief held by Hinduism and Buddhism. That is true, primarily, whereas the West is wedded to the idea of there being but one life, and a day of judgement before God himself, who will then decide whether we go to hell (and meet Satan) or play harps forever. But that’s worth a book in itself, so I’ll stay on this page.
My brother and I are in the 80-years bracket. While my brother can offer many proofs of truths about the Bible, our discussions also touch on the subject of ETs, and life, and God, and Karma.
The takeaway from that reference to our discussion is that new information should expand our knowledge base. This does not require us to “believe” what seems to be at odds with what we currently believe to be “the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth” as jurisprudence would have us swear on a Bible.
In my case, the better course is to park any new information that either conflicts with or possibly adds to my understanding of this great movie called Life, goes into my mental file under the heading of “what is not possible in the mind of God?”
For instance, the existence of ETs, be that benevolent ones who love humanity and help us evolve, or their opposite – the likes of an entity known as Satan, and the existence of humans who are by choice and free will, Satan’;s (Lucifer’s) worshipers who assist him in a long-standing , and let’s call it what it is, a long game, intended to kill off people like me, by any multiple ways.
After you’ve finished with this article, you might make your own list of all the ways you know of that are intended to bring about our demise – which is precisely why Trump was brought in as a major actor in this ongoing Movie.

Our Forgotten Power – Free Will
Having had a personal encounter with advanced ETs many years ago, I chose to learn more – to expand my mind – and I learned that there is a Universal Law that prohibits any species from overriding the free will of another species.
There are innumerable universes, suns and planets, too many races of species to count – some by nature (choice) who are warmongers.
Others are far more spiritual, and among them are those who have a soft spot for we humans.
I don’t mean to demean myself, or anyone else, but sometimes I see us humans as white mice in a special laboratory, while the professors and teachers keep a close watch on our advancement – or regression – as spiritual individuals.
These benevolent overseers have already “been there, done that.”
It goit mme to thinking, As Below, So Above. Or As Above, So Below.
Here, we’re “below” – in kindergarten perhaps, with a long ways to spiritual graduation as individuals or as a civilization. But that’s another book.
Galactic Gitmo
Apparently there is some sort of a Galactic courthouse, or council, where an entity representing his collective species might be asked to explain why they did not get full consent from those whose free will they wanted to subdue or subvert to their own designs so that they would have full control of the inhabitants and their planet?
Let’s take leave of our entrenched beliefs and dogmas, and just for a moment pretend we’re watching such a session.
These are The Watchers of Terra (the remains of Tiamut, but to us it is the Earth as we know it). They are not judges as such. And the entity they are seeking information from is a representative of his collective, albeit something of a smart-ass.
The council is concerned about certain events that have put Earth’s people in jeopardy, for as it is seen those who rightly can be described as the Evil Ones worked in the shadows for thousands of years, patiently but gradually working a game plan.
A Councillor bespeaks, in somewhat archaic diction:-
“Know ye not that ye must not interfere with their free will? That ye must tell them your intentions and your plans? Thereby ye may acquire full acceptance of thy intentions?
” Is not that the sacrosanct Law of the Multiverse?
“Thou must from eternal times message unto them and thusly be assured that they have “got the message” as so speak these humans?
“Aware must ye also be that by law so doing, thereby gaining their acceptance of your plan, you may not accrue unto yourselves such as Creator has decreed to be as your inevitable self-created karma.
“And for you, as it is seen, it could be bad.”
A hologram projected from the location of the one being questioned. It seems to pulsate as the question is asked, then coalesces into focus. It is that of a shape-shifter, in a sense appearing before them as his true self.

“We have complied with the Prime Law in every detail,” responds the image of what we might say in human terms as the attorney for the defense.
“We have messaged them from time immemorial. But know you not, High Council,” (says the attorney, raising his hand to add emphasis to his lawyer-like legal-speak) “know ye not that we are within our legal rights in that there are no subsections to that decree.”
Frowns cloud the visages of the gathered Councillors.
He represses a smirk as he savors his coming verbal coup de gras, allows himself a few seconds to contemplate what he has in mind as a menage a trois at his hotel in San Francisco when he is done with these Goody-Two-Shoes High Councillors…

… “I repeat. There are no subsections to that Law.
“ But I’ll come back to that. Suffice to say in recent times we have messaged the entire world in news articles, books, music, song lyrics, radio and television programs, documentaries, education content as well.”
Having the full attention of the Council, he cannot refrain from a moment of self-aggrandizement. So close were he and his acolytes to their ultimate goal who had infiltrated so much of Earth’s governments and international bodies they were within a hair’s breadth of their final realization of their ultimate goal.
He replaced the first hologram with another image, to show them, for had they not messaged the world as to their Great Plan – a message long since carved in rock?

Allowing them time to ingest the purport of his proof of compliance with that Prime Directive, he dissolved to yet another image.
Speaking in crisp but gloating tones he said, “Consider how well this world has approved our transgender curriculum, and the use of vaccines laced with snake venom. We messaged them decades in advance many times, not only via the guidestones, but also through past scientific research, papers and patents available for all to see.”

“Did the populace not acquiesce when advised ‘trust the science?’
“Consider this image, for he was but one of millions assisting in bringing to fruition our long game plan. Free choice to join this pogrom was their decision.
“Many such were recruited but by their own free choice from the so-called secret societies and institutions known for instance as The Masons?
“How great then has our success been with our messaging, for many – many thousands to count – were willing to embrace power and wealth as their reward when they exercised free will, free choice, when they swore fealty to Satan myself which, truth be told, brought our long-planned bioweapon plan to fruition.”
He paused again, watching the councilors’ faces wreathed even deeper in their obvious perplexity, perhaps now realizing how well these plans had been conceived.
How well those known as the Satanistas – not suspected by the mass of the global populace, but known by the Evil Ones as the Satanistas – fulfilled their roles, for their human ego and whose religious fervor was such that they willingly engaged in age-long worship and sacrificial gatherings.
Another image replaced that of the previous devotee.
Sidebar -Author Note – About Thinking
If any human were to give more than a passing thought to this ancient artwork (below), that thought would lead to another and another – which for some would trigger an instantaneous withdrawal to the safety of one’s familiar box of dogma.
We all have entrenched beliefs, and there’s no reason to decry or dismiss them for such choices. It’s simply part of the human sojourn, wherein some are more curious than others, finding a challenge in questioning new information, ever seeking new frontiers of knowledge and experience.
This is especially the case for those on a path of spiritual evolution, rather than simply memorizing the words of others for the sake of echoing them like a trained parrot that has no understanding of the words it parrots (hmmm…maybe that needs a rewrite...so…moving on….thinking about the book of Ezekiel.

One of the councilors shrugged her shoulders, spread her wings, then rose to hover under the vault of heaven, stared down at the impudent (and very ugly by the way) counsel “thing” … the Evil One.

“Get To The Point,” she commanded.
Not missing a beat he responded:- “We told them. They had those longstanding reports and research to study, if they had but thought for themselves. So it’s not our fault if they, by their own free will, have chosen to accept the word of our devotees. Consequently, by their own choice, millions are now dying soon, or slowly.
“We did our part,” he uttered, before again evading the point.
“Indeed we are well aware that we must avoid the creation of future bad karma, therefore over decades, even centuries, we messaged them through old and new books, and new newspapers, all media, scripts and plays, advertising, warnings on pills, we messaged them with ingredients on bottles and foodstuff cartons, through television documentaries and series.
“We used institutions, charities and foundations, always forever using the well trusted narrative that what will resolve the problem of the day – a pandemic for instance – the “problem” we have created, unbeknown to them…
“In every case, we message in advance that a calamity is yet to occur.
“In so doing we comply with the Law.”
(If Councillors were given to raising eyebrows, at this they might have done so, and his following utterance certainly had them doing that.)
“We too have free will – and it is our will to kill them all.
Is there any Law espoused by Creator that says there are limits to what we may choose to do?”
(He let that one hang in the silence of space, then said…)
“Yes, we create chaos, warn of pandemics, then promote a solution we insist is for the good of all, for their safety, or for the family, the children, or the children of the future…
“It works like a charm. Every time.”
(As they pondered these bellicose words, the evil doings of the Evil One, an unsaid thought triggered a spark of colored energy emanating from the skull of one Councillor. Milliseconds thereafter the thought, again as a colored spark of energy, flashed forth from the minds of all. In translation it was brief, but powerful. “Karma Is A Bitch.” )
Satan Hates Humans

Spit dribbled from the snarling mouth of the hologram.
“These humans are the lowest of the lowest beings the gods ever created,” he ranted.
“Fools. Cretins. Retards. Idiots. And ripe for our plucking as we use their stupidity against them as we achieve their end, for ever and ever.
“Thanks to our long game the world collective votes into power those who, they assume, will rule on their behalf, and in their best interests. Thus, they give away their power in favor of empty promises, and in fear they do what Authority dictates unto them.
“As humans may say, they are like lemmings running to the precipice, or, better yet, sheep ripe for the slaughter…which is exactly the current proof of the success of our long game.”
Pausing momentarily to let that sink in, he continued: “...for this is an ignorant species. Consumed in their low state of consciousness they focus on personal survival, on satiation of their sensual desires, or entertainment or constantly thinking about the lack of or gain of money.
“They have given away the power of their birthright of free will to the institutions of religion, or those perceived as authorities.
“Yes, these humans as a whole are stupid entities. But we have many in their mainstream media on our side, such as that Cooper person on CNN, or the one known as Acosta. They have served their purpose in telling others what to think, which is, as they say, a ‘no-brainer,’ and yes, we even use The Simpsons on Fox.”
The angel came as close to a state of apoplexy as any angel ever does as she responded with an edge to her voice.
“What then do you have to say in answer to this question. WHY have your messages been used in such a way as to camouflage the true import of the Supreme Law. “Thou must not impinge upon the free will of another species. Unless you have their informed consent.”
He had known this moment would come.
Speaking to all on the council before him, he said, now in evenly spaced words:- “The law requires us to message them – to tell them what our plans are; and yes, unless we do not tell them about our plans, we would indeed generate bad karma.
“But HERE is the POINT.
“It says nothing, nothing at all, about how those messages about our future plans must be conveyed.
“We therefore complied with the law by our own chosen ways to deliver our message – albeit in subtle ways.
“For instance, as a most recent example, we produced a film in their year of 1981.
“And we went so far as to write a script that included full details about our future plans.
“We made it into a movie, for they are accustomed to imagining they are already living in the movie of Real Life as it is seen in these times.
“Forty years ago we did what The Simpsons do this day.
“Though ostensibly a dramatic movie involving an Old School reporter covering the night-beat for The Daily, the film which is still available has given this world 40 years to see within that movie exactly the precise future we plan for these people and this planet.
“And if I might say this was a rare moment, for we told them the truth, many times, clearly to be seen by those who had the eyes to see – and the mind to unravel what was as clear as a blueprint for the coming days – which are now here.
“And the first message was within the title itself.
“We called it…
“Early Warning…”
Best Wishes
Michael Knight

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