As the new Trump administration puts words into action (“Drain The Swamp“) this guest editorial by subscriber Con Pedersen reminds us that the days of tyranny may have come to an abrupt end with the inauguration of President Trump.
But we should never forget.
This event in California, 2022, is a graphic reminder that it is not just a tyrannical government and scumbags (my word) like the J6 committee that puts all our liberties underfoot – there are far too many who also follow rules and exert their authority with the least of opportunities.

As Con writes:-
“California resident Theresa Buccola did more to stand up for the rights of Americans than most, in fact, she went to jail for daring to go to the beach during the insanely evil and unconstitutional Covid lockdowns. And she continues to fight for justice and liberty every single day – for all of us because we will NEVER allow the tyrants to lock us down again.“
To set the scene, we start with what can be found on YouTube – the arrest of Theresa Buccola who was mask-free, walking on a beach in fresh open air – and got arrested.
(Arrested by a cop not wearing a mask…MK)
4,771 views Aug 6, 2022
On July 3rd, 2020, I was arrested for standing on a public beach. Two public servants: Former Chief Paul Tomasi and City Administrator Chip Rerig of Carmel by the Sea, CA, decided that anyone who was found “swimming, surfing, or playing water sports” in the ocean, would be fined, jailed and charged with “entering a disaster area”.
I defied them, got arrested and filed a lawsuit. If you want to help me get justice for this, the GiveSendGo link is just above.
At this point in the video, I have been handcuffed for three hours, already searched twice, dragged to a jail 30 miles away from my car, forced to give up my temperature after repeated threats from Carmel by the Sea police Officer Boucher, had a suffocation device slipped over my head while my hands were still in cuffs behind my back, and then I am searched for a third time by a new stranger: Deputy McFarlin.
They throw my purse on the ground, and giggle as they dig through my belongings.
Thousands of times every day all over this country, peaceful, innocent People are forced to endure this humiliation ritual: armed and snickering strangers run their hands all over us without our consent, our legs are kicked open, our mugshots, signatures and fingerprints stolen, and our money is taken out of our wallets, all without so much as a single inquiry as to whether or not we have hurt anyone, or been brought directly from the magistrate before we will be imprisoned.
If they weren’t wearing uniforms, we would call this a molestation and the intake room in all sheriff’s departments, would be called slave weigh-stations.
Con continues:-
As an American Patriot who volunteered to possibly sacrifice life or limb in the Vietnam war (I was ignorant then) and as a retired Washington State Trooper, I did not obey nor comply with the insane, tyrannical, and unconstitutional Covid mandates and I will not comply if our criminal government tries that shit again.
American Hero – Theresa Buccola (58 min)
Listen to her story and learn how tyrannical our government and police can be.
It’s reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
MK Note:- People worldwide are the same – which the Cabal has relied on for hundreds of years (until Trump came along). But as can be seen in this image, there is only one person who has refused to bow down or salute to authority.

“Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never did and never will.
Find out what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.”
Frederick Douglas
former slave

David Rockefeller in a speech to the World Health Organization Council on Eugenics Feb 25, 2009:
“Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination, it’s game over! They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ donation – for the ‘greater good.’ We can genetically modify children and sterilize them – for the ‘greater good.’ Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions, and many of you in this room today are investors. It’s a big win-win! We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing extermination services. Now, what’s for lunch?”
“We are at the threshold of a worldwide transformation.
The only thing we need is a major crisis, and all the countries will accept the New World Order.” David Rockefeller
On another subject not related to the Covid Scam, but related to the tyranny of our (now former) criminal government,
(But with many remaining remnants within the Deep State including current politicians and many govt-related agencies – MK).
Gary Heavin discussed the J6 prisoner rescue operation that are mobilizing now. (55 min)
(They are ready to help the J6ers – who are in jails in several places around the country. MK).
President Trump has promised to release them on day one of his inauguration. We need to hold his feet to the fire.
God bless the patriots that are standing up and not bowing down to tyranny.
Our revolutionary forefathers (and mothers) are watching.
Semper Fi,
Con Pedersen
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