Today is about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and Oprah Winfrey – and the LA Fires. But first….
“I’d rather give you the bad news and be correct than give you a palatable version and be incorrect.”
That’s a quote from a guy who does a daily report on current events in China.
Regrettably, I have mislaid his link, but that quote I noted at the time I first saw him some years ago, is worth resurrecting for the benefit of those who subscribe to this blog – or perhaps may be here for the first time.
Now, on with the day – and the first chosen subject – which is NOT the LA fires. They’ll come later.

This guy, known as The Rock, is a Hawaiian monster, and not just physically.
Although the news is bad, to be correct I have to say that anyone who praises Satan and also says “I eat children,” is a monster indeed.
Take a minute and hear both in his own words.
Both The Rock, and Oprah, were quick to claim they were establishing a charity for the survivors of the deadly fires that razed Lahaina on Maui to the ground.

Oprah, a billionaire with a massive property and underground near Lahaina, and Dwayne (TheRock) Johnson, a multi-millionaire, stirred up a backlash when they quickly said they had started a charity to help the survivors.
It was also reported that they had donated $10m to victims themselves. I have seen no evidence to confirm that report, nor that the people who lost everything in the Lahaina fires received anything from that charity.
As a reporter, it’s good practice to honestly use the word “allegedly” when all you have is a gut feeling based on experience and past research that provided, in a case such as this, much circumstantial evidence. So you say “allegedly” when faced with basically unsubstantiated hearsay, and you do not personally have absolute proof or a truly reliable source.
Therefore, more correctly, they allegedly donated $10m, and allegedly gave money to the survivors.

Directed Energy Weapons were used to start the fires that razed Lahaina to the ground. More than a thousand missing children have not yet been accounted for. What’s left is said to now be the site of a future “15-minute” city.
By his own words, The Rock is a Satanist, therefore he is a pedophile – and worse.

Oprah received a medal at a ceremony for known celebrities, who are also pedophiles.
Obama is also a homosexual and a pedophile.
They have kept the world fooled for many years. But the Grim Reaper is on his way.

That’s a freeze frame from a video that caught the Grim Reaper passing by during his coronation.

Stay With Me
When I craft these reports, I keep in mind that many subscribers are indeed well aware that our world – not just America – has been under the hidden control of those known these days as the Deep State.
We know much about a (so far) silent war between White Hats and Black Hats. We know about pedophile politicians and the elite who capture children to drain their blood for a drug known as adrenochrome.
But those just starting their journey of discovering the snakes in the swamp must also be considered. Therefore, some things are reiterated for their benefit.
Yet it does no harm for all of us to review what we know already – and witness what is occurring these days as the Deep State, despite losing these last battles, is continuing to create havoc everywhere.
At this moment, there is genuine concern for the safety of president-elect Trump, whose inauguration is scheduled for January 12. His official itinerary was released today, as if the event will follow past protocol. However, there is also concern that the Deep State might try a third assassination attempt, so he should consider a safer venue.
It’s a wild thought, but what if some of his most trusted Secret Service personnel … I’ll leave that there.
To use a line from the Scots poet Robbie Burns (1785 no less) “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley.”
In other words, the Deep State’s plans have gang agley – gone awry. BUT – they will not go quietly into the night.
The LA Fires
Some reports have said as many as seven US cities (and that’s the US alone) are targeted in one way or another.

How Directed Energy Weapons Are Used.
Note that the included footage of a handheld laser does not affect anything that is blue
Consider this image from the Palisade fire.

January 12 Update
Help From Mexico
For dessert, and some understanding of the reasons for DEW fires, hurricanes and even earthquakes as part of the mix in the WEF or “Globalists” total world control agenda, the missing nuclear missile components from Ukraine (hence drones sniffing around DC) you’ll find what I trust as more correct information, in this a video uploaded today on Rumble that kept my attention right through.
And if you’ve been looking for Old School correct information, you’re welcome to subscribe for free…or, preferably, at the second tier who will receive exclusive in-depth reports like this from time to time.
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You’ll Find The History of the Deep State, and the alternative future for the world, in this book, now available on Amazon.

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