As drones and UFOs appear around the world, we are witnessing the gradual disclosure of the presence of aliens – but the world would have known about this sixty years ago – If President Kennedy had not been assassinated on November 22 1963.
He would have told the world on that very day, that “these beings mean us no harm.”
It remains to be seen whether President Trump will finally release all the files about President Kennedy’s assassination…but in these clips of current drone activity, and a discussion about that assassination, we will first learn exactly what JFK intended to tell the world – and who fired that fatal shot.
Play the above 15min report, then, if you choose…
Link to full discussion on Rumble:- It’s embedded on the site. It’s long. But in my opinion, it was fascinating in how it uncovers the past and the evil people – with far more to come if/when Trump finally gets to really take off the gloves.
Link to James Files Book:-
About Trump
As we make our way through these astounding times, there is more to know about President Trump being escorted by UFOs to his 2017 inauguration – and the history of those known as the Globalists – including politicians – that he is determined to remove from “The Swamp.”

Available on Amazon at this link
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