
Drones – and Alien UFOs – have been seen for weeks, worldwide. In the US many drones have sniffed for nuclear radiation, raising concerns of a dirty bomb intended to kill a countless number of people.

UFOs have also been sighted over military bases.

It’s a Big Story – compressed into 5 segments.

Part 1 is an overview.

Part 2 confirms that aliens (ETs) are now in the mix.

Part 3 – Rogan speaks of underwater drones – confirmed with footage.

Part 4 – Drones in the Middle East wars.

Part #1 – Drones And UFOs Over The US East Coast

Part #2 – A Heads-Up Re Aliens. 1min.

Part #3 – Rogan – And Drones Fly Underwater

Part # 4 – Middle East – Drones, Missiles, Phosphor Bombs, and Torpedoes

Part # 5 – Drones In Ukraine – The Ugly Truth About US Support/Laundering Millions

Those individuals named above are, for sure, corrupt to the core. They are the very essence of what you’d expect to find in a swamp – which Trump has shown his determination to drain it completely. And that’s why we should not be surprised if yet another effort is made to take him out.

Fortunately, Trump definitely does have friends in high places. And that’s what prompted me to write the following book.

I wrote this book long before most people had yet to see the future – the history of the “controllers,’ and what they had in mind for us.

What is spelled out in this book tells us what follows the times we are going through right now.

Available on Amazon at this link

See More About It


About This Blog

Owner and author Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He first learned about the Illuminati in the 1970s, and has studied them diligently, in their various guises, since then.

A personal experience some 45 years ago involving a “UFO” and ETs from elsewhere gave him advance awareness of and understanding to a certain degree about what might be categorized as a war in the heavens which is currently under way. The outcome will remove Evil from our Earth and the incoming of the Golden Age.

As an author, Micheal has written eight books over the years – two of which were best sellers, until they were banned by Amazon just prior to the 2020 election.

PayPal, Mailchimp, and YouTube followed suit, so a million views of over 100 videos disappeared, along with 20,000 subscribers.

The piggy bank followed … so after having covered expenses for many years, the next move was to establish channels on Rumble and BitChute – and eventually the creation of this website and its regular blog, with the addition of a donation option.

Frankly, the response has been quite surprising – the donations have been a great help – the word “grateful” really doesn’t say it well enough.

I’m also straight in saying that there are people on the free tier who might like to donate, but cannot afford to do so – all I suggest is that you send those anonymous donors a kind thought of love and thanks.

But if anyone reading this right now who might have the largess spirit at the moment, there are several donation options in the following block.

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WA 98564

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2 responses to “High-Alert-Drones-UFOs-And-Aliens-Confirmed”

  1. Fred Vanderbeek Avatar
    Fred Vanderbeek

    Very important things to know indeed 🤔
    Thank You Michael Of Light

    1. Michael Knight Avatar

      You’re welcome Fred. I see Michael Jaco and others are saying the bad boys are planning /practicing their fake alien demo.

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