My Christmas gift for you is a Santa sack of good news and bad news, maybe a lump of coal, and a mystery or two….so why not get straight into it.
Now that you’ve caught your breath, I’d suggest you take a few minutes to consider what you have learned so far.
When you’re ready, having learned that we may well be involved in a hot war, let us spend a moment considering what we have in the way of military leaders…and what that means about the state of our many branches of the military, at home, overseas, on sea, land and air.

They might be so proud of the DEI bullshit, but I think it’s time for D.E.I to D.I.E.
What was once the proudest military nation in the world has been all but destroyed by Deep State treasonous Satanists.
They gutted the best of the the military by ordering all the service men, and women, to take the jab.
That jab has all but eviscerated the military.
But there is a ray of hope.
However, the next image may seem to make light of this subject…but it does have a real message.

Thankfully, a few, a very very few within the military, dug deep, and took the high road – for which they were drummed out of the service.
Be we either civilian, active military, or veteran, we should give our full attention to this soldier who has been keelhauled by his military superiors, who were aided and abetted by crooked politicians – and now, with nothing left and nothing to lose, this one man stands firm to his oath.
Well, that wraps it up – but of course I do have a last word or two….

Michael Knight.
Merry Xmas,
And Happy New Year.
Yes, I can sincerely invoke the traditional yule tides, because even if the road gets a bit rough for a while, there’s a new Golden Age beyond the labor pains of birth.
And I for sure intend to be here for the long haul – extending my service to others in future with my professional videos and articles.
It’s true that I missed the draft, so I volunteered to go to Vietnam as a war correspondent, but apparently I was kept out of that fray, and now, I have chosen to fight the “controllers,” at my advanced age, having long said “my pen is my sword.”
Therefore, this is what I do – and if you are here for the first time, please consider this as a big thank you in advance for subscribing to this blog.
That done, you might be intrigued by the only one remaining of my previous eight books

I wrote this book long before most people had yet to see the future – the history of the “controllers,’ and what they had in mind for us.
What is spelled out in this book tells us what follows the times we are going through right now.
Available on Amazon at this link
See More About It
About This Blog
Owner and author Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.
He first learned about the Illuminati in the 1970s, and has studied them diligently, in their various guises, since then.
As an author, he has written eight books over the years – two of which were best sellers, until they were banned by Amazon just prior to the 2020 election.
PayPal, Mailchimp, and YouTube followed suit, so a million views of over 100 videos disappeared, along with 20,000 subscribers.
The piggy bank followed … so after having covered expenses for many years, the next move was to establish channels on Rumble and BitChute – and eventually this website and its regular blog….followed, reluctantly, by a donation option.
Frankly, it was quite surprising – the donations have been a great help – the word “grateful” really doesn’t say it well enough.
I’m also straight in saying that there are people on the free tier who might like to donate, but cannot afford to do so – all I suggest is that you send those anonymous donors a kind thought of love and thanks.
But if anyone reading this right now who might have the Christmas spirit at the moment, there are several donation options in the following block.
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WA 98564
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