A potpourri of thought provoking, serious, humorous, satirical, memes and images.
Suggestion – if you’ve received this as a subscriber, use the link at top right to view this on the website. There’s a reason for that – it’s the best way to engage in the conversation via the comments option.
This post is not all about Trump, but for his enemies, the last nine years were certainly all about Trump.
Fortunately, he has a bulletproof head.

And then came Nov 5 2024, and a meme like this.

During those nine years the FBI raided the Lion’s Den – Mar-a-Largo

The FBI was the big champion of the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax. But then…..

Now Gaetz is nominated as the next Attorney General.
-V- Sees it this way

Now let’s move on – and backwards – and go to Easter Island
And There Were Giants In Those Days

Where the giants went is anybody’s guess. To the stars perhaps?
But then the next image popped up in my archives,

Which got me curious so I downloaded Google Earth Pro and went looking.

And found this (above) ……and this (below).

So I don’t know what the lie might be….but I do know there are a lot of lies about our history.
Now, an insight, tongue in cheek, into why President Trump won in a Landslide.

That’s worth a wry smile, but it’s true that America, and the world, is close to being a mirror version of Sodom and Gomorrah.
We have not only the World Economic Forum and the Globalists in general, and the LGBTQ movement, to thank for that, but also the traitors in our midst.

That “woman” would never have made it into the post if the homosexual pedophile Obama had not made it into the White House.
His mission – destroy America, its culture and its traditional values and morals – by any subterfuge and any means, including working with other traitors within government to give Iran billions in cash, and arm terrorists such as ISIS.

And this is the Kenyan-born Not Real President

Flashback – Proof of Treachery

Clinton and Obama armed Isis and terrorists who murdered Libya’s leader Qaddafi.
Clinton also arranged the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi where Ambassador Stephens was attacked and murdered – thus helping to further cover up the Clinton/Obama agenda, which was intended to lead to WW3.
Her only comment in a later Congressional hearing into Stephens’ death was “What difference does it make.”

The real question is, “why are we waiting?” To which the answer might be this…..

And now, a serious question – but you’ll need to be viewing this post on the website to drop an answer in the Comments, if you have one.

All The Best.
Michael Knight.

About This Blog
This blog is dedicated to providing information about current events, and issues, which affect everyone. and I mean, everyone. Therefore, please consider subscribing, and/or send a link to others.
Owner and author Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.
nately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.
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116 Swofford Rd
WA 98564
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From now on, and retrospectively, Northstarnewsletter.com will not and does not claim that anything written or presented is 100% accurate, nor 100% the truth. Any opinions, assumptions, or speculations expressed are those of the authors alone. Links where provided may or may not work. No endorsement at all is implied in the use of other people’s writings, articles, or videos. Contents are nevertheless selected, written, and used with integrity, always allowing for differences of opinion among recipients. Excerpts from the work of others are used as per the Fair Use Clause of the US Copyright Act. Wherever possible sources are linked so you can follow through and do your own research.
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