It’s Not Just a Random Selection of Current and Past Images and Memes.
It’s a sometimes hard-hitting compilation – For educational and informational purposes only.
Starting with a tongue-in-cheek look at Trump’s garbage pickup.

For starters, you should be aware that DJT ALWAYS carries a garbage collector’s vest on his snotty little toy plane. (Just laughin’). And he has it on board just in case he hears, 30 minutes before landing, that Biden has used the “Garbage” word.

Quick as a flash his staff bought and customized this brand new, non-smelly, shiny, flag-festooned, Trump-stamped, french-fries hauler. Definitely the best prop any living (or dead) president has ever employed.

He then proceeded to take out the garbage, as any White House employee would do.
That’s a fake news image of the Resident on the left. He’s actually inside the bag, eating his words. while the bag on the right (…..fill in the dots….).
And then there are these images and memes
Some subtle, some genius, some funny, some not, – all chosen from an overloaded meme folder.
We’ll start with a current event – an exercise a few nights ago at the White House.

I have yet to finish a video about that “exercise” at the White House involving a dozen helicopters operated by Troopers in the vicinity.
The reason I say “exercise” is because it’s natural to have suspicions about that when you know that “exercises” in the past have often been associated with or in the vicinity of serious false flag events.
Alternatively, there are those waiting with bated breath for the arrest of a bunch of pedophile politicians.
And others who are concerned about some sort of terrorist event on Nov 5.
I’ve also heard and reported from several sources that the time will come when this White House is gone, and Trump will move government to Texas.

This one from my archives is purportedly about the late-night rescue of children some years back from tunnels under the White House.

And this one makes me wonder if there’s a black hole under the White House.

A member of a group of well qualified remote viewers did the one above during a session in 2020.

I remember using these images for an article at the time. I also said “draw your own conclusions.“
Having done a few successful remote view exercises myself, including one five days into the future, (no brag intended) I’m comfortable with including this next one.

Pause and ponder it.
If this remote view has anything to do with the claims that the White House will be gone to Texas – or expectations that many in Congress/Government will soon face arrest and military tribunals, well, once again it’s wait and see.
Some of my favorites come in from time to time from “V” – so here are a few.

Joe (or his current masked lookalike/double) keeps poking the Bear (Russia) on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia/Deep State as if they really do want WW3.
They do, but – Ain’t gonna happen.
It’ll be close, but no banana – except the one the Black Hats are stepping on.

Food shortages are being deliberately accelerated by the destruction of millions of chickens – and farms – and the recall of millions of pounds of red meat from major Big Box stores.
DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) created major fires in Texas, wiping out thousands of head of breeding cattle.
Farmers are being paid (bribed or forced) NOT to grow crops.
Weather warfare comes into the mix as well – droughts – heavy snowfalls – blizzards – late spring freezes that prevent early crop seeding.
Not to mention hurricanes Helene and Milton, which have required requests for over 10,000 body bags.
But let’s get back to V’s Vendetta

I resonate to that one, because the Next One, for me, spells out the difference between a Republic and a Democracy.
These days politicians on all sides rattle off the word “democracy” and it has become locked into American parlance.
Nevertheless, I’m trusting that once this shitestorm is over, America WILL be, once again, the Republic it was intended to be.

Gibson may play the action hero, but considering the fact that many a Hollywood whistleblower has wound up dead, especially when outing guys like Hanks and Spielberg and many others as child-raping pedophiles, Gibson must have nuts of steel to speak out like this.
Prepare yourself.

And on the lighter side, it’s time to take a deep breath of fresh air

Best wishes.
Michael Knight
PS – I do hope you are passing these posts on to others.
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