As Halloween approaches, which some say is a Pagan holiday, today just might be the day that the pagan Kamala Harris pulls the plug, or at least that’s what is hinted at on one of the X/Twitter channels I follow.
The reason, though not spelled out there, just might be that a video of her doing something nasty at a P Diddy party will hit the headlines.
While this may or may not happen, there is no shortage of people wondering why the Dems would have fielded such a ridiculous team (Harris and Walz) for they surely must have known they had about as much chance as a snowball in hell when it comes to pulling off a win.
So, the question is, why would they do that?
Is it possible that the Deep State did that so they can allow Trump to win in a landslide, and then claim that the Republicans cheated?
Remember, there is a full two months between election day and the time the electoral college votes get ratified, or not.
I believe SGAnon says something to that effect in his latest monologue.
It’s embedded here for your convenience. You can use the “skip ads” buttons as you wish – but I should also say that sometimes you might only get a black screen because the original author has perhaps removed it from Rumble. This SGAnon file provides a lot of current information, including short video clips.

I seldom dream, but it’s interesting that I woke this morning having dreamt at some length about missiles. None were in flight, and I refuse to jump to conclusions, but I have also heard from different sources that at some point Trump will reestablish the capitol in Texas.

The Trumps have a way of sending messages without words for those with the eyes to see – and I’m sure that includes the Black Hats, White Hats, and those known as Anons.

Is it a coincidence that here she’s wearing a Zebra pattern outfit?

That Q post must say something for those who know how to decode them. In this case, it used the word Zebra, back in 2018, and here we are with the same word, and theme, as per that dress, along with the following information.

FWIW I could not find anything about an “Operation Zebra” on the Internet, except for a marijuana bust somewhere – but there was a movie called “Ice Station Zebra” back in 1968. It involved a submarine heading to the Arctic and bursting through the ice despite the efforts of an on-board saboteur.
I also found the following website and image by way of confirming that the Zebra technology can be used worldwide in real time by the military.

And I’d personally suggest that Elon Musk’s Starlink global network of satellites might be involved as well – and I sure wish I could afford to buy into that system, and get one of those satellite phones that don’t need to use cell towers festooned with 5G transmitters that can mess with your brain and thoughts and health.
There is also a report that a lot of people are leaving DC, while businesses are being shuttered and boarded up.
My final thought on the election debacle for today is that if the Dems/Deep State are setting things up to deliberately lose this race, and then accuse Trump and the Republicans of cheating and stealing the election, their ploy will have the same result as all their other efforts. It will backfire, big time.
They’ve been at it for nine years, and they most likely have more mayhem planned. If they still have access to weather warfare technology, and a transmitter in Antarctica that can make earthquakes happen, they’ll more than likely use them.

This – whatever it is – was discovered in Antarctica.
A whistleblower has said there’s a device down there that can create earthquakes, such as the one that devastated Christchurch in New Zealand; that was “an accident” during initial testing. But now they can create ‘quakes with relatively pinpoint accuracy anywhere on the planet.
Even the FBI is saying there’s a real likelihood of terrorist activity in the US in the coming weeks – perhaps even a major event on Nov 5 in order to disrupt the entire voting procedure.
Vote rigging and fixing is already happening.
Aside from what DJT has to say about York County in Pennsylvania, ballot boxes have been set on fire in Oregon and Washington.
Well, as they say so often, Buckle Up Folks – it’s going to be a rough ride.

Operation Hammer

The above is from the Telegram channel under the name of Julian Assange.
I did my own Internet searching for Operation Hammer and discovered there have been several operations by that name over the years. One of the most memorable was executed “in a law enforcement program by the Los Angeles Police Department that began in 1987, (and ran till 1990) was ostensibly an attempt to crack down on gang violence in Los Angeles.”
It seems reasonable to assume that the current Operation Hammer, as detailed by Assange, is really under way. We just have to wait for some of the trials to go public.
Using Caution and Discernment:-
I find new channels keep popping up on the various social media sites, and some of them strike me as being fake, or perhaps even AI bots.
One of them on telegram for instance, likes to claim the EBS system has been activated, so it’s your “last chance” to join. That one comes from a channel calling itself Trump Red Folder. As a test, which I do on all these invitations to join, I clicked on the appropriate button, and found the channel claimed to have only two subscribers. Call that a red flag if you wish, but it’s enough to get me out of there.
I’m not from the “Show Me” state, but I do have that state of mind when it comes to evaluating not only Telegram channels, but many posts on all social media outlets.
We do have to trust our own discernment, and make our own plans, which reminds me of an old song that goes something like this:-
You gotta walk
That lonesome valley.
You gotta walk it
By yourself.
Ain’t nobody else
Gonna walk it for you,
You gotta walk it
By Yourself.
All The Best
Michael Knight
The Best Part About This Book is…everything
Especially about the (near) Future

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Owner and author Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.
He created this website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.
Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.
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