
A Dutch court has ruled that Bill Gates must appear in person – for a second time – because he (and the World Health Organization) promoted a “vaccine” that has injured thousands in the Netherlands.

Dutch lawyers – on behalf of people who have been injured by the CV19 “vaccines” – have successfully argued that Gates is one of those responsible for creating a fake pandemic in order to inject millions of people with a “vaccine” that did NOT prevent Covid, but instead has (deliberately) had many serious and sometimes fatal after-effects.

You will not find any mainstream outlet in America that will report this, but “The People’s Voice” who created this report has done an admirable job of presenting the truth about Gates’ involvement in the global depopulation agenda – which he has openly advocated for decades.

Portions of it feature an interview between the Dutch lawyers concerned and a Dutch television program host – with excellent translated subtitles.

There is also an American professor who spells out exactly how and why the vaccines were deliberately created, with the help of the US Food and Drug Administration (the FDA) which then went ahead and approved it for use on the entire population – knowing full well that it – and all the following booster shots – are in reality an engineered bio-weapon.

Bill Gates – whose father was a eugenicist and on the board of Planned Parenthood – which is all about population reduction via abortion and other means – has been a key figure in funding the bio-weapon/vaccine research.

In this report he openly says that the world can expect more UNNATURAL (his word) pandemics to occur.

You will also learn that one of the after-effects of these shots is the development of shingles – which, as lesions on the body, is exactly what the World Health Organization ()WHO) is claiming, duplicitously, to be monkey pox – so they can now demand that millions more be “vaccinated.” (By the way, neither shingles nor monkey-pox is readily contagious – but that does not stop the likes of Gates and the WHO, which he funds with millions of dollars, from escalating the fear factor).

As the Dutch lawyers point out, this campaign of fear-mongering is precisely what the World Economic Forum (WEF) “Great Reset” requires, in order to vaccinate even more millions with these “kill shots” and introduce even more electronic and digital population surveillance and control techniques.

Bottom line, this is a very informative production – highly recommended.


Michael Knight.


I have done some further digging into shingles and monkey-pox, and I’ll get to that in a minute.

Frankly, I believe this blog post is one we should make everyone we care about aware of.

But here’s the rub, and I’ve experienced this firsthand. I have brothers in New Zealand and Australia, and some of them don’t want to hear about these things. They might or might not have taken the jab, and I suspect they are tired of me “crying wolf” – as they imagine it to be. Any ideas or thoughts about a silent war between White Hats and Black Hats, undergrounds and child trafficking are probably seen as too remote to care about.

Naturally, that’s both frustrating, and disappointing, because you always want the best for friends and family. However, I’ve decided to override my own feelings of frustration and rejection, and just send them the links with a “recommended” note anyway, because one never knows whether they’ll unexpectedly com e to the point that they decide to take a look.

If they don’t get the link, they don’t get the option to open or not – but at least I have done my part, while accepting their right to choose for themselves. Of course, if they email back and say “quit it” that’s okay too. Either way, it’s their choice, and that has to be respected.

Now, if you are here for the first time because someone did recommend this report to you – welcome.

I did not establish this website, and the blog in particular, for my own benefit. While it’s true that donations are a big help in covering overheads, my main purpose as a lifelong journalist has been to do what today’s controlled mainstream media will not do – and that is to work, research, and report on behalf of one’s audience, whether that be newspapers, radio, television, magazines or writing books (I”ve done them all).

My purpose has always been to give you information on subjects the mainstream covers up on behalf of their paymasters – those known as the Deep State, Globalists, Khazarian Mafia and other titles whose agenda, in case you didn’t know, is to establish a One World Order.

That is no fantasy – I quit the mainstream long ago and have been researching and writing about the New World Order and “The Unseen Hand, ” which is the title of a book I first read, for at least 40 years.

But what I’m asking you to understand is that despite my experience as a professional journo, or perhaps because of wisdom gained, I am just a provider of information – while you are the decider as to what you gain (or not) from that information. I make no claims as to absolute accuracy, indisputable facts, or absolute truth. Instead, the neutral word “information” sits squarely in the middle of all that.

You’re the one who decides how to take it, while I’m the one who hopes it will help you connect a few dots or a few puzzle pieces..

Before I get to that bit about shingles and monkey-pox, I recently I made this meme, and it really does tell it like it is these days, at least as far as the globalists are concerned. This is their goal.

Shingles v Monkey-pox

The video you’ve just watched has a Dutch attorney saying that the WHO and the WEF/Great Reset genocide freaks are once again putting the fear of death into people by saying the world is about to experience a monkey-pox pandemic. ..and the only answer is more vaccines.

Although there is ample evidence out there that “excess deaths” have spiked tremendously since the Jab campaign – to the tune of millions suffering “sudden death” with no cause being listed on their death certificates, this was a new one to me.

Therefore I followed my own longstanding approach which is, “If In Doubt, Find Out.”

In other words, do some more research.

Since I already know that both the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are the most likely sites the average person would first go to for information (at least in America) I’ll start there.

The FDA ( ) turns out to be revamping its entire site, focused to a large extent on countering “disinformation,” while most of its information about shingles has to do with taking one of two available vaccines.

From the CDC About Shingles-

Key points

  • Shingles is a painful, usually itchy, rash that develops on one side of the face or body.
  • The rash consists of blisters that typically scab over in 7 to 10 days, clearing up within 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Long-term nerve pain is the most common complication of shingles.

The CDC also promotes vaccination, the same as the FDA.

Both say it mainly affects people over 50, and occurs mainly in those who have have a weakened immune system and previously had chickenpox – the virus of which remains in the body. (So much for the efficacy of that vaccine! Most kids recover from chickenpox without medication anyway – as I remember it. And of course I have to tell you this is not medical advice – but if I were to cross that line, I’d say my experience is that any allopathic prescription inevitably gave me one or several of the “side effects” – which I am now convinced are the real reason why they were developed in the first place. )


Said to be a Bay Area man’s monkey-pox symptoms.

There’s no way I can believe anything the FDA and CDC have to say about vaccines these days – and while there are many others sites on which to get information about shingles and monkey-pox, they all tend to toe the Medical Establishment line.

You’ll find some of them now advocating the use of masks “as a precautionary measure.” Yeah. Let’s do that. Again. And lockdowns? School closures? Trust the science? Control-control-control.

The answer?

One site I checked was….

“A primary symptom of the disease is a skin rash that builds into pus-filled blisters before crusting over. You’re at risk of getting mpox if you touch or rub against those sores or scabs on a person who is infected.”

“The virus can also spread through bodily fluids exchanged during more intimate and prolonged physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling or sex.

That is exactly the same as what the CDC says about shingles.

My personal opinion is that the upsurge in shingles among those who have been jabbed already is because the jab, in all vaccines, is engineered – as a bio-weapon – to suppress the immune system to the point that some future disease will incapacitate or cause an early death through some “apparently unrelated” disease.

In the case of recent vaccines, such as those championed by Gates, they also attack the blood and organs with nanoparticles and snake venom ingredients as part of the Deep State’s genocide program.

No wonder that astute Dutch attorneys are taking him to court.

PS- This book I wrote provides a detailed look into the background of the Deep State – and some thoughts on what the future holds as well.

It’s available on Amazon in paperback and ebook formats

About This Blog

Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.

While this is a voluntary “labor of love” for humanity, an endeavor such as this does have consistent overheads, and Michael cannot afford to cover all costs personally – which he did for many years.

Therefore, although there is no obligation, donations definitely help keep the show on the road, especially for those who need this information in its free form but cannot afford to donate even if they wanted to.

You can also make one-time or recurring Donations at FundRazr (where you’ll find a short explanatory video as to why Michael started requesting donations after many years of doing this work for free).

If you prefer to donate by check, please use this address:-

Michael Knight

116 Swofford Rd


WA 98564

My email address is contact (at)

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