
On being advised of this shocking video, then viewing it for the first time, I realized if I did not pass it on, I would be aiding the Evil enemy.

I’ll leave it at that. I have no desire to sway your thinking one way or the other, therefore I’ll save my own thoughts about what I have learned from this incredible report until after you’ve watched it.

And then we’ll touch on school shootings, “The Great Awakening,” the imminent financial crash, and a vision of the future.

(Please note that some of the embedded videos tend to run on after the end of the selected report. You can stop this with a left mouse click as long as your cursor is over the screen. Also, this is a longer than usual post, because it appears the Internet will (or may) shortly go down for some days. ).

A Masterpiece of Investigative Reporting – Facts – and the Shocking Truth. I’d recommend watching before reading further – MK.

And Now This

Perhaps what we experience as we come across new and unpalatable information can be encapsulated in a metaphor.

At some time most of us have been shocked awake from a sound sleep because we were unexpectedly engaged in a nightmare.

We woke up, shook off the sweats and chills, and got back to the normal routines of life.

This video stands, for me, as akin to a nightmare scenario. It has all the elements that can induce sweats and chills – except that all this is happening while the vast population of this planet is, in a sense, truly sound asleep, which simply means that theyare, sadly, unaware. But millions have indeed become part of The Great Awakening.

Nor does this nightmare video offer any glimmer of hope or insight into how these psychopaths can be stymied in their quest for depopulation of millions, if not billions of innocent lives.

I may not have Fulford’s extensive background as an honest reporter. He was Forbes’ bureau chief in Tokyo for many years, before going totally independent. Nor do I have anything like his worldwide contacts. However, I’ve had a few decades as an honest reporter myself, and I know Fulford has done many other reports spelling out how the Deep State/Black Hats are being progressively eliminated.

For my part, in 2017 I wrote a book about President Trump and the New World Order and how he was escorted by UFOs to his inauguration. That was after I had flown from New Zealand to America to see for myself whether the Ramtha of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment was, or was not, a fraud. In 1990 I moved to America to continue my education at the school. “You have to go there to know there.”

And then there is “Last Waltz of the Tyrants.”  And that’s what we’re experiencing at present – a Great Awakening – PLUS the last waltz of the tyrants. Both books are available on Amazon via my online shop.

And that’s it for this report, because for some reason everything I added over the past 2 days has constantly erased itself, time after time.
This was not meant to be a simple promo for those two books, but apparently “Universe” (as Clif High refers to what I know to be the all-encompassing Primary Consciousness) had other ideas.
So here is a summary of my current understanding (or not) of what’s going on.
There’s a lot of chatter on social media right now about coming events, such as the imminent collapse of all banks, the Federal Reserve being bankrupted (which destroys the foundation of the Evil Ones), to be replaced by a gold-backed new currency; Judge Merchan having put back sentencing of President Trump till after the election (which means he won’t be going to jail).
There’s real evidence of military activity around the country; the Hell’s Angels are said to be heading for Colorado to take on armed Venezuelan gangs who have been taking over apartment complexes, and then a lot of fearmongering about martial law.
I say fearmongering, because apparently these various posters have never looked into the Laws of War, or even the reason why martial law is a legitimate option under certain circumstances.
Because of their ignorance, they’re touting fear of lock-downs, arrests and speaking as if martial law is going to be the final coup of the Black Hats and we’re all going to wind up in FEMA camps.
I see the opposite. And that’s because I learn from those who know about the laws and orders that govern such things as a National Emergency, as determined by the President, who is also the Commander in Chief of the military.
And that just happens to be President Trump.
If you don’t already know all that, I’m not going to spell it all out for you. Just look for Derek Johnson (or Rattletrap76 on Telegram) and do your own learning.
What these people – the fearmongers – who must have written for the yellow press at some time – don’t seem to understand is that the military, which includes the National Guard, under martial law, which is only invoked in the event of a National Emergency, have sworn an oath to defend America – which means we, the people – from enemies, foreign and domestic.
Their job is to round up and arrest the swamp dwellers of the Deep State – which they have been doing for some time already.
Personally, although impatience takes a hold from time to time, I refuse to put a date on anything.
Nevertheless,  we should be aware that many posters on social media, even though it is supplanting the Deep State mainstream fake news, are in their own way, echo chambers of each other.
This is not necessarily a bad thing, because they all have their own followers. But some (I have found over the years) are just a little more rational than others.
And then there are those, like RealRawNews, that stand out as if they really do have the goods on what is happening behind the scenes.  Nobody but someone with direct contacts to sources at Guantanamo Bay where Deep Staters who have been arrested by special forces then appear before military tribunals to be tried and executed, would be able to make up or write in such detail, so often and so quickly, with  lengthy articles.
Don’t take my word for it. Check out that website, if you so choose. Draw your own conclusions.
What I’m saying is that I have done a LOT of research, drawn my own conclusions, and as far as I can tell, martial law is already in place. And it’s all legal.
Although I have no black and white proof, the general consensus appears to be that the Black Hats/swamp dwellers are fighting a last ditch effort. They know they’re history. but they’ll do everything they can to destroy as much as they can – including us – before the battle is over.
Our part is very straightforward – have sufficient supplies on hand to get ourselves through at least a couple of weeks (or more, depending what we can afford right now) and let the Big Boys get on with the job.
In other words, do your own research and planning as if your life depended on it – because you are the only one responsible for the consequences of your personal decisions.
Or you can just brush it all off with a wave of the hand and imagine this is all BS.
Best wishes.
Michael Knight.

About This Blog

Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.

While this is a voluntary labor of love for humanity, an endeavor such as this does have consistent overheads, and Michael cannot afford to cover all costs personally – which he did for many years.

To cover expenses his current objective is to have 50 people subscribe to this blog at the second tier level – which is $10 per month, recurring. That’s in exchange for articles that take at least 10 hours to do (not including many hours of research) or videos that require at least 2 hours per finished minute. There is also a free option (for the moment).

Therefore, although there is no obligation, donations definitely help keep the show on the road, especially for those who need this information in its free form but cannot afford to donate even if they wanted to.

You can also make one-time or recurring Donations at FundRazr (where you’ll find a short explanatory video as to why Michael started requesting donations after many years of doing this work for free).

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Michael Knight

116 Swofford Rd


WA 98564

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