Indications are that there is about to be a series of massive volcanic eruptions off Italy.
This Is Not Clickbait.
Hundreds of earthquakes and sulfur bubbling in seawater are early warning signs of an imminent devastating event.
The next image is what you might call an artist’s impression (or a remote view?) of what we’re talking about.

Clayton Morris – RedactedNews

We’ll learn more about it from Clayton Morris of RedactedNews in the video report below. – and the fact that even the mainstream media, although pussyfooting around the huge potential disaster – is at least mentioning the subject. Unfortunately, the sad fact is that there are no honest reporters left in that arena – but Clayton Morris is independent Old School.
This image of Italy below shows us the known and named volcanoes, but not the underwater ones.

Being Old School myself, I do my own research, and since we’re on the subject of volcanoes in Italy, I decided to check on Volcano Discovery to see what it might have about volcanic activity in Italy. There, I found the next image, dated just last week, August 15.
It reinforces genuine concerns about what might happen next right along the shores of Naples – and its population of over 2 million.

The warning signs include a recent major increase in earthquakes (more of that in the coming video)

The next two show us the area of concern

This image below from Google Earth shows – but obscures – the area of imminent danger, and the nearby millions at risk.
It’s far more than the immediate area – it could have consequences well into Europe.

FYI…. I’ve also received an email from a person who has been accurately remote viewing the future for several decades. The opening image for this blog came from that source. The suggestion for those who live in Italy is that they should head to the mountains of Forli-Cesina, south east of Bologna for a few days, taking food supplies with them.
This makes sense when you consider all the warning signs – not only from this blog, but from Nature herself in particular – that she’s thinking about throwing a hissy fit (bad pun intended). In fact, I’d say, above all else, trust her, and your god-given intuition. It’s the choices we make for ourselves, regardless of what other people think or say, that determine our own future
And now, the full report from Clayton Morris and Redacted News
(Read this later. It’s just a follow-up to Clayton’s report).
Personally, although I do not live in Italy or Europe, I did choose to leave New Zealand 30 years ago after personally experiencing several earthquakes – and knowing that the country sits on a tectonic fault line, and has numerous volcanoes as well. I’ve even sat on the edge of Mt Ngauruahoe, watching the lava bubbling below. That’s quite a trip.
This concern about Italy then naturally led to doing more research, and that resulted in something of a shock, for it really seems that the number of earthquakes near volcanoes worldwide is on the up and up.
I’d recommend that no matter where you live, take time to visit Volcano Discovery. Big volcanic explosions are one thing, big earthquakes are another – but one should never discount the cumulative effect of the small ones.
All The Best.
Michael Knight.

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Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.
He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.
Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.
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