
Something odd occurred on the Stock Exchange the day before the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life.

This image from an X/Twitter post spells it out.

First, notice that there is a discrepancy between the numbers I have outlined. One says 12,000,000, and the other is 120,000.

I am no Wall Street Wolf by any means. At first, I did not twig to the difference. Therefore, in the discussion that follows – based on my assumption that some dirty dogs knew in advance that Trump was to be killed – I used the 12,000,000 number. The upcoming math may need to be refigured to get to the correct answers.

But that’s not really essential. You’ll get the picture anyway.

Now, enter a foray into Artificial Intelligence in the form of a Q&A with ChatGPT. (Yes, I believe in being familiar with the enemy’s weapons. In martial arts, you use your opponent’s strengths to your own advantage. And eventually you win, although there may be times when your own life is in danger. Been there, done that. Survived).

But I started out knowing absolutely nothing about “puts” and “shorts” which I was sure most of my readers know little to nothing about either.

But now, I know a lot more. And I am sure you will too after this.

This is how it went, from start to finish.

MK:- Question.Can you explain in simple terms for a person with no experience in the financial market the terms “short,” and “put.” As a hypothetical example, a company called Gamblers LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of a company trading on the stock market as $TJD via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the demise of the chairman of the board of $TJD.

ChatGPT Instant Response. Sure! Here’s a simple explanation of the terms “short” and “put” with a hypothetical example.


When you “short” a stock, you are betting that the price of the stock will go down. You borrow shares from someone else and sell them at the current price. Later, you hope to buy them back at a lower price, return the shares to the lender, and pocket the difference.

Put Option

A “put” option gives you the right, but not the obligation, to sell a stock at a specific price (the strike price) before a certain date. It’s a way to bet that the stock’s price will fall.

Hypothetical Example

Gamblers LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of a company trading as $TJD via a put option. Here’s what happened:

  • Filing Date: July 12th
  • Event: The chairman of $TJD passed away the next day.

What They Did: Gamblers LLC likely expected the stock price of $TJD to drop due to the chairman’s passing. They bought put options, giving them the right to sell $TJD shares at a set price. If the stock price fell, they could sell at the higher strike price, buy back at the lower market price, and make a profit.

In simple terms, they were betting that bad news would cause the stock price to drop, and they used a financial tool (put options) to try to profit from that drop.

MK:- Question. Thank you. Please explain the term “strike price.”

ChatGPT Instant Response.

Strike Price

The “strike price” is a key term in options trading. It is the set price at which the holder of an option can buy (in the case of a call option) or sell (in the case of a put option) the underlying asset, such as a stock, regardless of its current market price.

For example, if you have a put option with a strike price of $50 on a stock, you can sell that stock for $50, even if its market price drops to $40. This allows you to potentially profit from the difference.

MK:- Question. If the shares of $TJD are currently trading at $50 and Gamblers LLC has shorted 12,000,000 shares of $TJD via a put option, and the value of the $TJD shares drops to, say, $30, how much profit does Gamblers LLC stand to make.

ChatGPT Instant Response. Let’s break down the profit calculation for Gamblers LLC.

Initial Scenario:

  • Current Trading Price of $TJD: $50 per share
  • Number of Shares Shorted: 12,000,000 shares

After Price Drop:

  • New Trading Price of $TJD: $30 per share


  1. Sell at Initial Price: Gamblers LLC sells 12,000,000 shares at $50 each.
    • Total from selling: 12,000,000 shares * $50/share = $600,000,000
  2. Buy Back at New Price: They buy back 12,000,000 shares at $30 each.
    • Total cost to buy back: 12,000,000 shares * $30/share = $360,000,000


  • Profit: Total from selling – Total cost to buy back
  • Profit: $600,000,000 – $360,000,000 = $240,000,000

So, Gamblers LLC stands to make a profit of $240,000,000 if the share price of $TJD drops from $50 to $30.

MK:- Question. Conversely, if the demise of the chairman of $TJD does not occur, and the value per $TJD share unexpectedly increases to $60 per share, what are the ramifications for Gamblers LLC? Thank you.

ChatGPT Instant Response.

Ramifications for Gamblers LLC if the Share Price Increases

If the demise of the chairman does not occur and the share price of $TJD unexpectedly increases to $60 per share, Gamblers LLC faces significant financial consequences.

Initial Scenario:

  • Current Trading Price of $TJD: $50 per share
  • Number of Shares Shorted: 12,000,000 shares

After Price Increase:

  • New Trading Price of $TJD: $60 per share


  1. Sell at Initial Price: Gamblers LLC sells 12,000,000 shares at $50 each.
    • Total from selling: 12,000,000 shares * $50/share = $600,000,000
  2. Buy Back at New Price: They have to buy back 12,000,000 shares at $60 each.
    • Total cost to buy back: 12,000,000 shares * $60/share = $720,000,000


  • Loss: Total cost to buy back – Total from selling
  • Loss: $720,000,000 – $600,000,000 = $120,000,000

So, if the share price of $TJD rises to $60, Gamblers LLC would incur a loss of $120,000,000.

MK:- Question. Assuming you are an investigative journalist, writing for the widely read Easystreet Journal, and taking the hypothetical example of the demise of the $TJD chairman, can you write an article that will feature on the front page. We will assume the chairman’s name is Mr Orange Pres, and the “short” of 12,000,000 shares by Gamblers LLC is now under scrutiny.

ChatGPT Instant Response.

Scandal Unfolds as Gamblers LLC Faces Scrutiny Over $TJD Stock Shorting

In a dramatic turn of events, the recent demise of Mr. Orange Pres, chairman of $TJD, has sparked intense scrutiny over financial maneuvers by Gamblers LLC. The firm reportedly shorted 12,000,000 shares of $TJD via put options just before Mr. Pres’s unexpected passing. The timing of this significant short sale has raised eyebrows among regulators and the public, prompting calls for a thorough investigation into potential insider trading and market manipulation.

A Closer Look at the Allegations

Regulators are now delving into the details of Gamblers LLC’s actions, exploring whether the firm had prior knowledge of Mr. Pres’s impending death. This investigation is crucial as it could reveal unethical practices within the financial sector, potentially leading to severe penalties for those involved.

Market Reaction

The stock price of $TJD experienced dramatic fluctuations following the chairman’s death, initially plummeting and later recovering. This volatility has intensified concerns over market stability and fairness, highlighting the impact of large-scale shorting activities on stock prices.

Calls for Reform

This incident has reignited the debate over the need for stricter regulations in the financial markets to prevent such occurrences. Lawmakers and industry experts are advocating for enhanced transparency and accountability measures to protect investors and maintain market integrity.


As the investigation into Gamblers LLC progresses, the financial world watches closely. The outcome could have far-reaching implications, shaping future regulations and restoring confidence in the market. The Easystreet Journal will continue to provide updates on this unfolding story.

Key Points

Company InvolvedGamblers LLC
Shares Shorted12,000,000 shares of $TJD
Chairman’s DemiseMr. Orange Pres
Regulatory ScrutinyInvestigation into potential insider trading
Market ImpactSignificant stock price fluctuations
Calls for ReformEnhanced transparency and accountability measures

Stay tuned as we follow this developing story and its implications for the financial world.

MK:- Question. To add to that, If perchance malfeasance is established, what are the potential penalties under US law.

ChatGPT Instant Response.

Potential Penalties for Malfeasance Under US Law

If malfeasance is established in the case of Gamblers LLC’s shorting of $TJD shares, the penalties under US law could be severe. Possible consequences include:

  1. Fines and Financial Penalties: The firm and involved individuals could face substantial fines.
  2. Criminal Charges: Serious cases of insider trading and market manipulation can lead to criminal charges, resulting in imprisonment.
  3. Civil Penalties: Regulatory bodies like the SEC may impose civil penalties, including disgorgement of profits.
  4. Loss of Licenses: The firm or individuals may lose licenses to operate in the financial markets.
  5. Reputation Damage: The firm’s reputation and client trust could be severely damaged.

These penalties aim to deter unethical behavior and maintain market integrity.

MK:- Question. Are there any examples, including reference to applicable cases and statutes, of judicial action having been undertaken, and penalties imposed, in the United States in the past

ChatGPT Instant Response.

Examples of Judicial Action and Penalties for Market Malfeasance in the US

There have been several notable cases in the US where judicial action was taken for market malfeasance:

  1. Martha Stewart (2004): The celebrity was convicted of insider trading, sentenced to five months in prison, and fined $30,000.
  2. Raj Rajaratnam (2011): The hedge fund manager was found guilty of insider trading, sentenced to 11 years in prison, and fined $10 million.
  3. Michael Milken (1990): Known for the junk bond scandal, he was fined $600 million and sentenced to 10 years in prison (later reduced to two years).

Relevant Statutes:

  • Securities Exchange Act of 1934: Governs securities transactions to prevent fraud.
  • Insider Trading Sanctions Act of 1984: Imposes penalties for insider trading, including triple damages.
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: Enhances corporate responsibility and financial disclosures to combat fraud.

These cases and statutes exemplify the serious consequences of market manipulation and insider trading in the US.

MK:- Question. Thank you. Your assistance has been invaluable.

ChatGPT Instant Response. You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Have a great day!

MK:- Question. Can you think of any additional questions that one might ask on this hypothetical matter.

ChatGPT Instant Response. Certainly! Here are some additional questions one might ask regarding this hypothetical matter:

  1. What Motivated Gamblers LLC to Short $TJD Shares?
    • What information or events led Gamblers LLC to believe that the stock price of $TJD would drop?
  2. What Evidence is There of Potential Insider Trading?
    • What specific actions or communications are being investigated as potential insider trading?
  3. How Will the Investigation Proceed?
    • What steps will regulators take to investigate the shorting of $TJD shares by Gamblers LLC?
  4. Impact on $TJD’s Market Position
    • How has the market reacted to the demise of Mr. Orange Pres and the shorting activities? What are the long-term implications for $TJD?
  5. Legal Defenses by Gamblers LLC
    • What arguments or defenses might Gamblers LLC present in response to allegations of insider trading or market manipulation?
  6. Precedents in Similar Cases
    • Are there similar past cases where companies faced allegations of market manipulation following significant corporate events?
  7. Role of Regulatory Bodies
    • What specific regulatory bodies are involved in the investigation, and what powers do they have to enforce penalties?
  8. Impact on Investors
    • How might these events affect the investors of $TJD and the broader financial market?
  9. Preventive Measures
    • What measures can be taken to prevent such occurrences of potential market manipulation in the future?
  10. Ethical Implications
    • What are the ethical considerations surrounding the actions of Gamblers LLC and their impact on market fairness?

These questions help explore various dimensions of the hypothetical matter, from legal and regulatory aspects to market impacts and ethical considerations.

MK:- Discussion ended

The original post on X/Twitter was at this link.

Naturally, there are those who deny any connection between the “puts” and “shorts,” and the attempt to kill President Trump, aka the major shareholder in $DJT.

You’ll see evidence of that in the responses to the original X/Twitter post below.

But first, a couple of what we used to call “sidebars.”

The Deep State used a combination of hologram images (planes striking buildings) thermite explosives pre-planted within the buildings, and Directed Energy Weapons fired from planes (or satellites?) overhead.

DEW weapons turn concrete to dust, and melt steel.

Real Raw News has reported that at least two DEW planes have been located and destroyed.

And some new and very interesting articles following the assassination attempt – and frantic coverup.

The artist’s impression of a space-based DEW satellite blasting Ukraine is probably not Russian disinformation. It’s more likely to have been created to unsubtly let Ukraine, and the US warmongers, know what to expect if they push too far.

Who needs nuclear wealpons when you can create instant mayhem from above on an entire city? Like DC???

But back to the story of the day.

This is what popped up here when I first attempted to insert a link to the original X/Twitter post. It’s quite telling in its own way.

Frankly, there’s no way to fully allay all these legitimate suspicions, especially if you recall that some very similar events occurred at the time the Deep State brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11.

The Deep State/Khazarian Mafia had no qualms about killing thousands of people back then – nor did they have any hesitation in using traitors within the Secret Service to kill President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and then attempt to kill Reagan.

To me, it’s obvious that they are using their same playbook, a new generation of Deep State traitors within government and various agencies to do their killing and child trafficking, and yet, above all, these worshippers of Satan and the mighty dollar, these callous muderers who have no conscience, are about to meet their final demise.

Stay Tuned – Pass This On.

There’s Always

More To The Story.

About This Blog

Michael Knight has a 60-year background as an honest newsman in all media.

He created his website, blog and video channels as a one-man operation to expose the Deep State through hundreds of videos and articles – not for his own benefit, but to help people who (like he once was) are looking for truthful and factual information about current events – and the “silent” war that seems to be tearing the world apart.

Fortunately, the news has an up side – the future will be much better – because people like you – and millions of others worldwide – are going through the shocks of self discovery – doing their own research and finding uncomfortable and sometimes shocking facts that need to be brought to light in order to put an end to the evil among us.

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From now on, and retrospectively, this newsletter, blog, and all works of will not and do not claim that anything written or presented is 100% accurate, nor 100% the truth. Any opinions, assumptions, or speculations expressed are those of the authors alone. Links where provided may or may not work. No endorsement at all is implied in the use of other people’s writings, articles, or videos. Contents are nevertheless selected, written, and used with integrity, always allowing for difference of opinion among recipients. Excerpts from the work of others are used as per the Fair Use Clause of the US Copyright Act.

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2 responses to “Gambling-On-Trump’s-Assassination”

  1. Michael Knight Avatar

    Nice one Michael. Keep it up – unless you’re too old for that?

    1. Wayland Smith Avatar
      Wayland Smith

      It never ends does it Michael. We’ve got a very long and difficult road ahead of us. But with a President with balls bigger than space and journalist like yourself, we will survive and be greater than ever. Less stress, greater buying power, long sought happiness and peace. I believe a day will come when old men like us no longer have to pay a tax every year just to fish in public lakes. So Be That

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