
Trump Chooses Vance For Good Reason

But Not What You’d Think?

The following was emailed in, original author unknown i


Without a doubt this is exactly what’s going on here! 

President Trump has shoved JD Vance out into the spotlight so that we can dig up the dirt on him and we are. 

Yes I believe those that don’t know anything about adrenochrome or fixing to find out. 

JD Vance worked for a company called Ambrosia. Ambrosia is another word for pink and pink is another word for adrenochrome. 

This ambrosia has since been shut down but what they were doing was taking the blood of the youth and transfusing it into older people with the belief it would make them younger. 

Then you take the fact that he worked at the same law firm as both Barack Obama and Big Mike and that is Sidney Austin law firm.

His wife worked on a board that was owned by Bill and Melinda Gates and she’s a Gates Cambridge scholar meaning she took money from The Gates foundation for college. 

Also JD Vance is Skull and Bones and I’m thinking we don’t need someone within a heartbeat of the presidency that belonged to this secret society at Yale college. 

A secret society that requires them to take an oath to Satan. A society that makes the man lay in a coffin so that the other man of the fraternity ejaculates all over them. 

A fraternity that requires them to have sex with other men. 

She also happened to teach school over in China. 

She was on the board of the Gates.

We know how corrupt and evil the Gates are.

Oh and she was also a law clerk for John Roberts who is a total pedophile and who illegally adopted his children through the Clinton foundation and Jeffrey Epstein. She also work as a law clerk for Brett Kavanaugh.

We have been told that when this is all over that the only Supreme Court Justice that will be remaining is Clarence Thomas because all the other ones are compromised. 

We know we’ve seen pictures of John Roberts at Epstein Island in a hot tub with Bill Clinton and Bill Richardson which was a governor of New Mexico.

We’re just getting started!!!

In this short amount of time we’ve already found this and we’re known where near done. 

There are about 2 million of us ANONS around the world and we’re going to figure out every single thing about both of them before anyone steps on a stage has the Vice Presidential nominee. 

We know president Trump to be one that likes to throw his enemies out into the spotlight and expose them. That’s where we come in! We’ve had nearly 7 years to practice our craft of seeking and sharing the truth and that word adrenochrome really makes us angry since we know that it’s created from the blood of children. 

Also with us knowing that JD Vance is Skull and Bones we know that means he took an allegiance to say which means he is owned by some very evil people. Both George HW Bush and George W B were Skull and Bones.

When George HW Bush was up against John Kerry Skull and Bones said they didn’t care who won because they were both Skull and Bones.

Both the Bushes were major co-conspirators in 9/11. George HW Bush orchestrated the assassination of President Kennedy. 

So no I don’t think for one single second that President Trump is going to allow this guy to be his actual vice president.

The President John Fitzgerald Kennedy especially hated secret societies. Skull and Bones is one of the worst.  This is not a fraternity where they all walk around proudly and say yeah I’m Skull and Bones yeah I’m Skull and bones no they work very hard for people not to discover their link to Skull and Bones.

I assure you that Trump has not forgotten all the evil things JD Vance said about him and all his support.—AUTHOR UNKNOWN


Comment from unknown sender:   I simply am sharing the above info… it was sent to me and posted around.  However it matched my initial sense the minute I saw the Vance announcement.  I had never heard of him.  But I knew immediately he was a bad choice and he will not last…

Big Business Connection

My personal take on Vance (says MM):-: WH’s are parading JD Vance around in public to get the Electoral College votes from Ohio, as well as expose Peter Thiel and Vivek R. from Ambrosia & vaccines, as well as their other criminal enterprises…_____________________________________________________

From another Social Media source:-

If JD Vance had said one or two things against
President/CiC Trump over the years,
I’ll give you that, understandable.

But Vance has been an UNRELENTING
for YEARS.
Not just a day or two — YEARS & YEARS.

The Vance tiger would have to change his stripes
in order for me to believe for a nanosecond
this never-Trumper now loves Trump
& as we know, a Tiger NEVER changes his stripes.

I call BS on every word out of Israel-owned
Vance’s mouth. He is in the 98% of WA DC
that will fall.

Fortunately I will NEVER EVER
have to vote for a Trump/Vance ticket.

Vance will be exposed & off that ticket
long before any of us gets to the voting booth.

One of the requisites of a VP is can he/she be POTUS?
A Vance POTUS? Inconceivable.

It’s TRUMP/JFK JR or better for me still!! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ariel @ Prolotario1:

Mrs. J.D. Vance’s
hasty departure from her law firm, Munger Tolles & Olson,
just before her husband was tapped for VP.

Some major clients of Munger, Tolles & Olson
are companies whose largest shareholders are
& Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway:

Google, Disney, Bank of America, PG&E, BNSF Railway,
Intel, Fortress……

M, T & O also represent Berkshire Hathaway who partially own
Kraft Heinz [John Kerry] B of A & Apple [BlackRock/V/State St.]

In a letter to his shareholders, Larry Fink, CEO BlackRock wrote,
“…the Russian invasion of Ukraine has put AN END TO
THE GLOBALIZATION we have experienced over the last
3 decades.”

Mrs. Vance clerked for GWB’s CJ Roberts, a visitor to Epstein Island,
& Brett Kavanaugh.

Ariel writes that JD Vance’s company “Ambrosia is the street term
or Elite term used for Adr-n-chr-ome?”

I can see why Q+ put this guy in the spotlight!! ______________________________________________________________________________________________Open Link:https://v2.anonup.com/upload/images/2024/07/smoJroiGr4CeoVdoA6y6_16_32168ff977b8f0293d3f9cca9349a518_image_original.png

(MK Note:- That link will take you to the following image on X/Twitter)

I can’t do anything about the small print.

And Here’s Two For John Roberts

Roberts and his wife were in their 40s when they adopted two children.

Some (unconfirmable) reports say they were Irish children, but sent to Argentina for the adoption, because Irish law does not allow children to be adopted directly to overseas clients. If true, there is no doubt Chief Justice Roberts would understand how to circumvent that law – and ignore the possibility that they could have adopted any one of several thousand US orphans.

For what it’s worth, I’m seeing occasional suggestions that there will soon be a big purge of the Supreme Court. Ho0w msoon, whom knows!

Also, that they found in favor of the Brunson case, which implicates about 300 congessmen in illegally ratifying the 2022 election.

But its finding was not released because the military stepped in, saying it would cause widespread civil disturbances – so, keep it under wraps – which, if true, they have done.

But if/when it is finally released, and I’ll offer an opinion which means nothing unless it happens, and that is that when it is released, we’ll be getting right into that scenario involving the instant demise of central government, the shutdown of the mainstream media, the use of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) to alert us to what’s coming, followed by the televising of military tribunals showing us the trials of traitors – who we’re told, number in the thousands.

We can but wonder who they’ll start with.

And Now, One For Brett Kavanaugh

Justice Brett Kavanaugh, wife Ashley, and their two daughters (theirs). Ashley has deep ties to the Bush family (she’s from Texas) and Kavanaugh was given a Washington DC appoinment by GW Bush.

Kavanaugh is a Yale graduate, where he was a member of the “Truth and Courage” fraternity. Certainly not the notorious “Skull and Bones.” the alumni of which includes past presidents GHW and GW Bush, John Kerry, and some weird rituals.

In Closing, As I Said To A Friend….

BUT…what IF?…what if many we see as baddies and many we see as goodies, are the exact opposite of what we believe them to be? Left is right and up is down…and I’m on a surfboard riding just ahead of a breaking giant tsunami wave….

Keeping one’s balance under such circumstances is, I am told, imperative. (I’ve never been a surfer, but the metaphor is good enough).

Suffice to say recent events and my response to them have been yet another opportunity to self-assess, self-observe, and become a little wiser in terms of putting a belay on one’s emotions; be objective. Be a reporter, outside the fishbowl, unemotionally reporting what’s going on, and drawing a clear line between objectivity, and personal opinion and/or belief. 

What one believes, whatever it is, is always open to conjecture. It is seldom, if ever, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 

In Case You Missed My Video On The Assassination Attempt, and the RNC Attendance of President Trump, it’s all covered on my blog.

Just click on the logo to go there.

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One response to “Why-Did-Trump-Choose-Vance”

  1. Wayland Smith Avatar
    Wayland Smith

    I am 77 1/2, something personal caused me to be alert and give close attention to our gov. I was 25 at the time so for 52 yrs. I’ve had my ear to the ground. In 1990, we moved into a huge home in east TX. The closet in our bedroom had stained wooden walls and I noticed a few planks were loose so I removed 3 to reset them and there was a narrow vacant space between the planks and another wall. Why were the planks loose? I shined my flashlight down to take a look. There was an 8 track tape down there and I removed it. I was exspecting a porono for some reason; instead it was labeled “The Law that Never Was”
    I knew what that was. Who ever owned the tape was obviously fearful of the gov. due to it’s content. After 52 yrs. of gov. info..look where I am now. Thank you Michael for this outstanding report.

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