Taiwan ‘Quakes And Superheroes Nuking Tunnels

Earthquakes and war are grist for the mainstream media mill, but there is a very different picture.

Such as maps of the world showing a network of undersea and underground tunnels spanning the globe.

It seems to be no coincidence that one of them passes through Taiwan.

Taiwan  is a child trafficking crossroads within the world network of undersea and underground tunnels – now being destroyed by pedohunting special forces.

Please be aware, there is a very short but very shocking clip in this report.

Otherwise, it explains why there have recently been several massive earthquakes in Taiwan, as well as hundreds of smaller ones.

Well trained Special Forces – aka Superheroes – have a lot to do with that.

About Michael Knight:-

I established this blog in order to post articles and videos as a service to those who seek understanding of what is causing such turmoil in our world.

I am a retired and rather aged (79) but honest lifelong reporter – with a dedication to solid research in order to present information as best I can about the war between Good and Evil – but always with respect for you as a reader or viewer, fully entitled to agree or disagree.

You are always welcome to share links to this and other reports, but the choice is certainly yours alone.

My thinking is that the more people who awaken, even if it is a painful process to start with, and it was for me, the sooner the world will be free of a terrible evil and the Satan-worshipping individuals who have for decades secretly been sometimes hunting and killing children and teenagers, or raping and murdering innocent babies.

They are Satan’s brood, and the sooner we exterminate them, the better.

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