For those having an issue following the link to the Jones/Greer interview,it appears that one must have an X account to watch that discussion.
Althgough the link supplied does work for me, it appears to be because I already have an X account.
However, my wife did not, so I helped her set one up on X – and it was an absolute bear of a job. Every captcha-type test to confirm that you’re a human must have been set up by Musk himself – you’d have to be a genius to get through the process.
It took at least half an hour, with over 20 steps that had to be gotten right, which meant about five failures and multiple “try again” options.
Once you get there, you’re on the most-used social media site on the planet, and the content you can access is amazing – but while it’s essential to keep the wolves outside the door, you need stamina to get in there yourself. Good luck with that. Perseverance is key.
Michael Jaco’s Most Recent Report
Bercause not just of his honesty about having worked for the CIA, has been a SEAL and in combat, as well as his down to earth way of covering current issues, he is one of the few “influencers” that I watch regularly.
Yesterday’s chat on his Rumble channel covered much – including his expectation that from now on many cities in America are going to experience some very serious issues, to the point that, in his words, millions of people will die.
That’s the sort of thing that tends to shock the average person into disbelief – but for those of us who have switched from shock to accepting that is indeed a very highly likelihood.
We only have to remember that the whole world was subjected to a “pandemic” during which saw literally of millions around the world being injected with a so-called “vaccine” that in fact contained snake venom.
Many people suddenly died thereafter (quite likely millions in fact) while many milions more are on the slow train to fatal future diseases.
That is a perfect example of what the intent of these really bad people are capable of.
Many patriots, men and women, including you, have in their own ways discovered what has been happening behind the scenes – and I for one am still learning more and more in detail about how we humans have been targeted in every imaginable way.
This has not been just from the Covid hoax in order to follow up with that slowly lethal jab, but their plans have included controlling education (to warp the minds of generation after generation) to control of weather (to create disasters) and even control of the food we eat – or don’t – because they create droughts, floods, and such things as avian flu, which requires the destruction of millions and millions of chickens.
Guess what – we took it on ourselves to do this – and now we get three eggs a day at a time when it’s $15 for a dozen.

Walmart, eat yer heart out. We don’t need your eggs any more. We have Organic.

Are you ready for the shelves to be empty?
To end this little rant – which it’s not, because those are all the truth – I’ll just note that Jaco also told the truth when he said “we” have attempted to wake people up for many years.
That means that at the same time, we have respected their right to make their own choices, whether it comes to being prepared, or to stay in the city, or to completely ignore our efforts to enlighten them.
(Family tends to be the hardest to reach. It appears they just do not want to understand – or the information is just too scarey).
And I’d add this. Whatever choices we have made, wherever in the world we live, will determine what we experience as these troubled times unfold over the next months, and perhaps even years.
You might say, as many do, that “God Wins” – but in my v iew, “He” also expects us to make choices ourselves so that WE win.
In other words, God helps those who help themselves. turned out nthat Jaco has (wisely) a premium Rumble account, so it is not possible to embed the full report.
However, I have tested the following link, and it works fine (he said, fingers crossed).
Best wishes,
Michael Knight.
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