Alex Jones is the man who revealed years ago the fact that the elite hold child sacrifice rituals at Bohemian Grove.

He built a following of millions on his Infowars news channel and, naturally, the elite wants him silenced.
So they found a way to have him charged with a crime for his reporting on the (false flag) shooting of children at the Sandy Hook school in 2012.
He was convicted of something, such as causing the parents (who some say were in fact crisis actors as part of that drama) and fined 1.5 billion dollars.
It was also ruled that his business and assets should be foreclosed and sold off at auction.
But before we get to that, here are a number of images from the 8000 in my archives. They are used to augment text in articles such as this, but that does not imply endorsement.
Note that it says “to maintain their lie, they are going to burn Alex.”

False Flag events such as this occur from time to time as part of the Globalist playbook, because they desperately want to remove the right of Americans to bear arms – a right that is enshrined in the Constitution.
They want, or have wanted, to destroy America and have it absorbed into their dream of a New World Order.
False Flag events have therefore been used to try to brainwash Americans into needing gun control – regardless of the fact that innocent people really do die in such scenarios – while crisis actors simply play a part in these manufactured disasters.

This is how they prepare for a scripted shoot, which will be edited and broadcast as if it is the real thing, and millions of unsuspecting viewers will believe it. The Criminal News Network and all the others will go along with the propaganda lie, clamoring for gun control.

Boston Bombing

I’d be cautious about this one saying this woman was at both events as a crisis actor, simply because it is the same image in both pictures; it’s times like this I wish I could get to the original source. Nevertheless, it is indeed possible, and the image may have been used when she was applying for an acting role.
However, this is not the only image I’ve seen of actors being filmed, photographed, or videoed at more than one event.
Take this one for example.

There’s certainly no doubt in my mind that the next one was totally staged for the cameras.

Media such as the UKDailyMail will pump out heart-wrenching blurred out images like this from the Boston Bombing.
In the above image it appears that a man who just had his legs blown off is still alive and conscious when a civilian in a cowboy hat arrives from somewhere with a wheelchair.
We see what we can, or what we imagine we can, as the still conscious double amputee stoically and silently ignores the tattered remnants of his trouser leg.
Both he and his “rescuers” are also apparently unaware that a slightly red-stained “bandage” that might have been a tourniquet has untied itself from his remaining thigh.
Having untied itself, it then got caught in such a way that it just happened to be there when this shot was taken by a photographer who just happened to be there.
Perhaps I’ve spent too much of my life as a photo-journalist, news cameraman, and network TV news editor, – as well as a year or two as a volunteer fireman/EMT tyro in my small home town – and not enough time on the couch eating potato chips while gasping at the horror show that is the nightly news.
Or perhaps I’m one of the millions who have woken up to what’s really going on in this world.

Unfortunately, because the fake news mockingbird media is owned and controlled by the “elite,” none of these facts are ever reported, except on social media sites. Or on independent blogs such as this.
The interesting thing is that because of their complicity in coverups and, as an example, their refusal to reveal the truth about the genocidal nature of the CV19 scam and the use of “vaccines” as a bio-weapon, many in today’s legacy media may well become stars in the coming Nuremberg 2 trials you might have heard mentioned (but that’s a wait-and-see observation).

Speaking of “stars” – there’s also this./
“Kappy” – pictured top right, was thrown off a bridge shortly after revealing that Hollywood was a den of pedophiles and child killers.

Now back to Alex Jones and the latest developments in the efforts by the Globalists to have him expunged from the Internet, along with his millions of viewers worldwide.
First, there was this headline.

When I read that, along with the “news” that his empire was bought by the Onion for just a million dollars, and that the Sandy Hook “parents” (assuming they are real people and not crisis actors) would chip in some of their future share of the sale and the 1.5 billion dollars they expected to get from Jones, it was natural to think “something sure does not add up here.”
It’s nice to be right, at least once in a while.
Because it was just a few hours later that this next headline appeared.

The Newsweek article can be read here:–
And this one:-
“Alex Jones’ Bankruptcy
“The private auction was part of Jones’ personal bankruptcy proceedings following nearly $1.5 billion in defamation judgments levied against him. These rulings came after a judge and juries ordered the conservative host to compensate families of the 20 children and six adults killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, whom Jones repeatedly claimed were part of a staged hoax involving crisis actors.”
And here is what Jones had to say on his X/Twitter channel, where he still has thousands and even millions of followers:-
PS:_ I know this story is probably just a blip on the radar during this time of transition from the fake Biden administration to the inauguration of President Trump, for the second time.
However, it is highly likely that there will be further False Flag events, not only in America, but elsewhere in the world, as we approach that day – next January 20.
I have no doubt whatsoever that the Democrats and Rinos (Republicans In Name Only = RINO) will do everything they can to impede Trump and those he has chosen to fill multiple cabinet and department positions.
But in the back of my mind there is also this Remote View image of individuals basically crying their eyes out in the corridors of a building within which they once wielded great (and corrupt) power.

Best wishes
Michael Knight

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